Submission of articles to various web sites will definitely fetch you good recognition. This is because, there is plenty of demand for submit articles and your choice of topic can be any of your interest or your professional knowledge.
There are plenty of online sources that can offer you with an opportunity to submit articles and this will enable you to gain more recognition and reputation. But it is really important to plan your articles before you write.
In fact you need a plan for writing articles. This should include the title of the article which should be interesting and must offer good information about the article. This is because it is the title that will encourage readers to click on the article
The second aspect of the submit articles should be about the content. This should clearly focus on how the article content should be and what exactly you are conveying to the client. To this extent there should be clear and good effort to convince the reader that what you are trying to state through your submit articles is very much in order with the requirement of the reader.
In other words, you are representing the ideas of your reader by providing useful information within the article. Your articles should be either on a single topic making you to look thoroughly professional or a good writer who can take up different topic and provide quality and entertaining content.
If you submit articles in a couple of article directories and once you start gaining popularity, online visitors will click on your articles and you are already popular entertaining perfectly with your content. Therefore directing your good efforts in working on the quality and being innovative will surely impress the visitors and they will be absolutely happy to read your submit articles.