How to choose topics for article writing? How to choose article title? (Tips to work on it for higher score)
As an article writer, you do great spending lot of time in planning your writing. It's certainly worth your time and energy. But have you ever wondered, how to choose a best title for your article. There are hundreds of articles that get published everyday. You know very well how audience consume content. They love good content that begins and ends with interesting content on various topics. Which is why you see there's overwhelming response to article publishing directories. There may be thousands of articles on a single topic, but you will never stop receiving endless questions, comments and likes and so much of engagement. That gives a great advantage for you to know how best you can work on each article. That's awesome. So, what are those topics are you working on? I thought, I would share some latest topics with you in this lock-down period, so that you can get some traffic to your blog / website. 1. Technology - This is an ever green trend. Technology is now part o