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How to make dry fruit powder for enhancing the taste of milk

  Do you like morning milk? It's a great way to start your day. Your family also needs rich vitamins bountiful in fresh cream milk. You come across a lot of varieties while buying milk. Almond milk, low cream, high cream, tone and untoned and many other. Boiling milk for a while and cooling it, adding sugar, and other flavored powders like BournVita, Boost, Complan and others is in practice. All age group love these protein powders like Bournvita, Boost, Horlicks and Complan.  A spoonful of one of these powders adding to a hot cup of milk adds a lot of taste and it is very delicious to drink. Adding sugar is your choice. You can add 1 to 2 tsp of sugar depending on your preference. But it really enhances the taste of your milk. Ever thought of making dry fruit powder? How to make it? The following is the recipe to make dry fruit powder and this is absolutely health drink. 1. Cashews : 5-10 2. Almonds : 5-10 3. Raisins : 5-10 4. Pistachios : 5-10 5. Watermelon and sunflower seeds :

What is Mobile Marketing? and Why Care?

Mobile Technology is splendidly designed. Imagine that a smartly hand-held device is able to take care of your multi-task requirements of communication, conversation, Internet browsing,  online shopping and so much more.  You will surely agree to the fact that if there's something that's been staggeringly successful in this technology era, it is definitely smartphone. From communication to entertainment and high usability, it is your smartphone that is part of your lifestyle now and it is also a device that is revenue generating device.  As of 2020, there are 4.78 Billion smartphone users globally and that is nearly 61.28% of world's population owning a smartphone.  It is also expected that by 2025, mobile device users would increase from 5.17 billion to 7.33 billion.  Now you know how the concept of mobile-first has gained excellent recognition and significance. As the world of business emerges to a new level of Internet technology, there are many marketing strategies that

How to Understand your Buyer's Behavior?

  What exactly is buying behavior? It is the study of behavior of individuals, group or organizations and how they interact with products, services and content online that makes an impact on their buying decisions. A view on consumer behavior  The emphasis on marketing is always to ensure that they target their consumers and understanding their buying patterns. Every business thrives on customer purchases which is why it is important to understand your customer and study the pattern of his buying behavior. In this process, getting a whole view of your consumer becomes a bigger picture and it further takes effort on your part to define characteristics, importance, forms, factors, process and other details. Questions such as -  - What are the needs? - What motivates buying decisions? - Necessities, requirements, wants, how consumer looks at it? - Many other factors are considered When you consider the factors of a buyer, you market your business in the interest or in identifying the prob

If you eat only fish meat and guava which are vitamins you are getting from these food items

Some types of fish has Vitamin A which is health for your eyes, skin, teeth and bones. Fish carries three main vitamins that include B-6, B-12 and niacin which help the body to support a healthy nervous system. Fish like Halibut, swordfish, herring, pollack and haddock provide excellent vitamins.  Vitamin D helps body in absorbing calcium and many types of fish are good sources.  A good dose of Vitamin E, an antioxidant that helps in protecting your cells from damage is available in many types of fish.  Fish is  one of the healthiest foods and it has high protein and vitamin D.  Fish is also a great source of omega-fatty acids which is excellent for your body and brain. Filled with high-quality protein, iodine and various vitamins and minerals, fish has excellent health benefits. Among fatty species, fish is the healthiest including salmon, trout, sardines, tuna and mackerel are higher in fat based nutrients.  This includes vitamin D, fat-soluble nutrient that many lack and it is impor

How to add these all-time good Nine vegetables for heathy diet in pandemic period

  Healthy diet? You talk about it every day and work on it to cook delicious and healthy meal. In this pandemic period, you also make a plan on what is needed in your kitchen to add vitamins, minerals, carbs and protein to your diet.  How do you plan your daily portion of diet for good health? Let's discuss. 1. Greens Among the greens, you would first notice spinach.  The fresh big leaves look not only beautiful but these are absolutely rich in many vitamins and can go as a combination with several other vegetables like - carrots, cucumber, tomato, onion, cabbage etc., Let's see the nutrients available in spinach. - High amounts of vitamin A - Iron and calcium content - Vitamin K - Vitamin C - Magnesium - Folate - Antioxidants  Spinach has high energy and health for gives excellent muscle and nerve function. It lowers blood pressure and benefits to maintain a healthy heart. There are many ways to cook spinach. Stir-fry, add raw spinach to smoothies, salads, sandwiches and it i

How to prepare Guava leaves, Tulsi leaves and coriander seeds health drink?

  What if we make guava leaf coriander seeds and Tulsi leaf water?    So, you wish to try guava leaves drink. This is a wonderful try. Did you know guava leaves are an excellent source of medicinal properties and nutrients? It offers some of the best health benefits for longer period of time. You have tried guava fruit and it not only tastes good but it helps in receiving vitamins, fibre and many other minerals that provide health. Guava leaves treat digestion issue and diarrhea.  There are few important bioactive components which include - saponine, tannins, flavonoid, eugenol, tritenoids, flavonoids.  Guava plant or Psidium guajava is a small tree that grows as a large evergreen shrub and it is a member of Myrtaceae family. It can grow upto 15m in height.  This plant is originally from Mexico and other Central America countries.  As it is a tropical plant, guava can only adapt to warm climate.  After nearly 300 years of its introduce in the U.S. guava is cultivated in many countries

How to make Carrot and Flaxseed Facial Toner at Home? Simple Procedure for Do-it-yourself

  Healthy skin is your favorite to look good and you are always working on it to improve and trying new trials and checking on new products. In this process, you would never mind trying DIY at home and you would love to make it on your own to ensure how it works for you. So far, how DIY kits have you made at home?  Let it be tomato soup, potato wafers, French fries or DIY pizza or a home made facial. Yeah. Here let's also include home made facial toner. The trend of natural and kitchen ingredients for beauty and cosmetic purposes is gaining popularity and trending.  Let's find out how you can make your own carrot facial toner Ingredients: - Carrot - A cup of water - 1 tsp aloe vera gel - 1 tsp Flaxseed gel  - 3-4 drops of carrot seed essential oil One of those ingredients is carrots.  Benefits of Carrots for skin: Anti-aging Solution:  The abundantly present vitamin C in carrots helps in promoting collagen production.  It also helps in smoothing out wrinkles. This carrot toner

Did you try beetroot + Guava + carrot + gooseberry (amla) juice? It has excellent health benefits. Try it next time

  So, here's is beetroot. The red colored, root vegetable that some like it while some don't, medical experts recommend to add this perfect healthy vegetable to your diet at least once or more in a month. Easily and quickly grown beetroot is just simply easy to cook and prepare it any way - boil, steam, fry or make soup or chutney or add it to flour for fresh Indian fried puris, however you make it, it tastes good and adds plenty to your health. #1. Let's find out how beetroot juice helps? 1. Boil beetroot until soft and blend it to a smooth and fine juice adding little bit of milk, yoghurt or cream.  2. Add little bit of pepper or chaat masala to it 3. Serve chilled It tastes super good and it's so healthy in lowering your blood pressure. Improves muscle power and stamina and strengthens your heart  Give perfect weight balance  Good source of potassium Good source of minerals such as - Iron, magnesium, manganese, zinc, copper, selenium Good source of folate B-vitamin 

How to Prepare Almonds to Carrot and Coriander Smoothie? Find the Recipe and nutrition values

  Love smoothie? These are absolutely full of protein and very savory and delicious. Tried having a vegetable smoothie with combination of fruits? These are also very healthy.  There is no hard and fast rule to make a mix of veggies and fruits for the preparation of smoothie. Blending fresh fruits, vegetables - these are quite ideal for morning breakfast or any time during the day. First, let's find out what is a smoothie and how it improves our health? By blending veggies and fruits or adding other flavors to a smooth consistency, has given a name as Smoothie and in the recent years, they became very popular replacing solid food to liquid diet. Being a favorite choice of many young men and women of all age groups apart from seniors, with the choice available, you can pick which flavor you wish to add each time you make a smoothie. These are increasingly popular and well known for healthy diet. Sometimes, all family members prefer a single flavor of smoothie or go according to tast

Do you use Rock salt and Pepper in your Cooking? Here's find out why it is good for you.

  Rock Salt and Black Pepper in high protein diet Ever tried eating rock salt? It has different names in Indian regions. In Hindi they call it Sendha Namak. Mostly it appears as rocky in white and pink color. The pink color rock salt is also called as Himalayan Pink Salt and it is recommended to use it in daily cooking. Emerged as Ayurveda salt, there are three main varieties as stated above.  1. White Rock Salt 2.  Pink or Red Sendha Namak or Himalayan Pink Salt 3. Black salt or kala namak is also a type of rock salt which contains sulfur content in addition to sodium chloride. According to Ayurveda, Black salt is the second best salt for consumption in food after white Sendha Namak and Pink Sendha Namak. However, it is stated that rock salt is lower in iodine levels, but since it has good amount of minerals, it makes perfect choice for adding to regular diet.  The  Healing Properties of Rock Salt There are quite many health benefits from the use of rock salt and some of these are: 1.

What time is your breakfast everyday? (Find out the ideal time)

It's another new day and you wake up hungry, as you had a good night sleep and feel fresh. Sometimes, the kitchen-cooking flavors make you more hungry and you get ready for breakfast. Let's find out more about our early-morning eating habits. Give a good-start to your metabolism,  helping you burn calories throughout the day.  You definitely need energy to focus particularly when working from home during this lockdown period.  Otherwise, you keep eating more later in the day. Studies have also shown that eating timely morning meal, safeguards your health by promoting better memory and concentration.  It also lowers the levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol,  and lower the chances of getting diabetes, heart disease, and gaining weight. Vitamins in Breakfast Not only there's a rich supply of vitamins and nutrients from healthy foods like dairy, grains, and fruits, but it also takes care of your energy levels all through the day. Ideal time for breakfast Ideally, best time

My morning starts with the breakfast of Bread, omelette, and fruit salad? Is it good? What is a balanced diet for good health?

Today for my breakfast I had bread omelette and a bowl of fruit salad. Is that a balanced diet? What's for breakfast today? You say this most often.  Quite an interesting activity in the morning. Savory, delicious and healthful breakfast in regional cuisine or continental or intercontinental,  everything gets on to your platter, its so much satisfying. If south Indians love idli, dosa, vada, pongal, North Indians love parata, puri, curry, chole, bhature and much more. Its the taste and the health, surely. Especially,  early morning breakfast keeps you active, healthy and leaves you fresh all through the day. Sometimes, you want to try something new and that is certainly to try the western cuisine. Bread, omelette,  fruit salad. Its a perfect combination. It has excellent protein, carbs, vitamins and minerals that's most essential for your body in the early morning break time. What exactly is a balanced diet? Let's find out. Balanced diet consists of a variety of different t