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Showing posts with the label search query in Google

What is the purpose of conducting study on impact of digital marketing due to Corona pandemic?

  Digital marketing is a complete package and works effectively for both small and big businesses. Digital marketing is most ideal for marketing, advertising and promotion online. There are many advantages and benefits with digital marketing, in fact many startups and existing businesses are opting for various strategies to choose online marketing and promotion. What is the meaning of digital marketing? According to Hubspot  "Digital marketing encompasses all marketing efforts that use an electronic device or the Internet. Businesses leverage digital channels such as search engines, social media, email, and other websites to connect with current and prospective customers." According to Investopedia  "Digital marketing is the use of the Internet, mobile devices, social media, search engines, and other channels to reach consumers. ' According to Smart Insights "Achieving marketing objectives through applying digital technologies and media." There's a lot

Which companies gained through Mobile Marketing?

 Mobile marketing is an attractive field now for every small and big business featuring online. You might have come across people who ask you - are you focusing on mobile marketing? That's because, in India has 346 million smartphone users and that's a big number to tap into marketing. This easily hand-held device is your major market goal so buyers can view your products and make a purchase. However, there is certain marketing strategies exclusive to mobile marketing and you are required to do in a certain manner that attracts and invites the attention of audience. The success of mobile app is major in India as young men and women prefer to work through app whether it is for Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram or Uber, they just download and work through app.  Take a quick view of Pew Research Chart of Smart Phone users globally. Young generation in India is actively using smartphones for their education, communication, entertainment and shopping online. It has a great purpose and