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How Marketing and Sales Department is useful to increase the demand in the market?


The market is full of products and consumers have a wide choice to buy. The responsibility of a market is to promote, advertise and engage customers to choose their interests.  

While selling and marketing is one of the objectives of a business, you will also focus on providing multiple benefits to the buyer by offering excellent customer care, service and quality products.

As a small business owner, you will maintain not only good relationships with customers, but will also ensure that you acquire new customers by reaching your audience through online and offline sources.

Every business has certain strategies to start with in implementing its plans, proposals and ideas. 

However, we are going to discuss about marketing and sales department who play a pivotal role in increasing your product demand in the market.

#1. Drive product demand

To earn revenue and profit, you have to drive product demand. As a retailer, wholesaler or a marketer, you are required certain marketing goals that give a boost reach the end user and accelerate the demand in the market.

One of the ways to increase product demand is to offer that market values.  Enhancing value is the best way to increase the demand.

#2. Promote

There are many ways to product your product in order to drive the demand. Advertising being one of the popular way, public relations and customer relationships are also good in connecting with prospects and customers.

The merits of your product can be a value proposition and if you are able to leverage the current customer relationships, it builds loyalty of customers towards your products.

#3. Share samples

Do you give away samples to the first-time visitors? It is the best way to connect with customers. Why? Because, they will remember you and take time to come back for some real-time sales. The small sample give away really works.

Most often, you must have noticed that some companies offer a free gift besides a purchase. For example a free puff with talcum powder or a tiny face cream with face wash. 

#4. Product demonstrations

With the help of social media, you can offer a short video to your audience who view it and click your website to check your products.

Most often less than a minute or few seconds video can bring a huge success with plenty of views.

Demonstrate your product or display it. Talk about its benefits and how to buy etc., 

#5. Price Reductions

Season offer, discount sale, gift offer and there many other ideas with which prices are reduced that inspire customers to buy your goods. 

Price reduction is one of the major benefits that consumers receive as they are able to save and spend less on products while enjoying the benefits of your product.


These are some of the ways in which your marketing and sales department can apply to increase the demand in the market.


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