Owning a small business is considered to be the most preferred source of income. You have plenty of time to plan, organize, advertise, market and talk to your customers personally. Especially with the success on Internet, online small businesses have grown by 100% in the last decade and expected to grow globally.
Let's say the era of .com, .net and .org are actually promoting online presence and extending scope for easy business marketability. There is plenty of investment going into the website registration and additionally the cost of web designing and content development also require budget as capital expenditure.
Starting your business at home without a website and choosing a free blog registration, is it a good idea to start off? True, there are many small businesses that are running without a website. But their success has never been small.
From the selling of nail polishes to the point of clothing and jewelry, there is every opportunity to do business with a blog. Except the dot com registration, there is massive scope for every advertising and marketing strategy. How? The following is the guideline to go ahead and achieve business success and increased rate of profitability with a blog.
1. Get an Account with a Blog
True that there are hundreds and hundreds of blogs coming up daily. But there are many categories of blogs who own a hobby or save their events or have a professional private profile. There is very less competition for bloggers who run their business via blog.
Therefore, use this free opportunity to start your blog by choosing either a Blogger.com or Wordpress.com. Provide your email and password to open a blog account.
Links for Guideline:
2. Choose your Business as Blog Title
Now is the time to choose your blog title. If you are selling nail polishes from home, choose a blog title that says "Choose Your Nail Polish" or "My favorite nail polish" or any other that is not registered.
Blog admin will always detail whether the blog title you have typed in the bar is either available or unavailable. Accordingly you need to choose your blog title.
3. Publish Blog Posts Frequently
After you have create your business blog, the next phase of action is to publish a blog post. You can write any number of words and add pictures to the blog post. Just make sure that you have written your blog post that matches with your business and it is a good practice to publish long posts.
Hire an article writer and publish at least 25-50 blog posts. When you send introductory mails to your customers, you can add your blog as a source for them to read about your business. Content speaks on your behalf.
4. Apply for Google Adsense
As long as your content is original and free from any violations of blogger / WordPress terms and conditions, you are absolutely fine. Google search engine is always in need of fresh content. This is also advantageous when you apply for adsense. Basing on your business, blog posts and your content format, your adsense application will be approved. You can now earn passive income from Google Ads.
Links for applying Google Adsense
5. Share your Blog on Facebook
Your business is all set to go on social media. Login with your facebook account and start sharing your blog and inspire with your facebook posts. As often as you share, more is the traffic and results in clicks and views to your blog.
Just make sure that your posts are highly interesting so that you receive comments and likes. On a professional accord, you need to convey marketability, advertising and create interest to buy your products.
6. Create your Business Page on Facebook
Apart from posting, you can also use the free feature of creating a business page on facebook. Provide the details of your blog, contacts and a brief description of what you sell. The business style of fair and square adds to your reputation and this is the first priority to act and save your customers.
7. Share Your Blog on Google+
Login with your Gmail account and get connected on G+. There are many communities working actively here to find clients and grow business.
8. Get Associated with Communities
Add different communities that would help you to find good business. The more time you spend here, the better is your client. This is the most promising online source to keep yourself very busy finding your customers.
9. Sell via forums and Facebook
Join public groups in facebook. As your request is accepted, you can start selling on these groups. Have a clear image and content that describes about your products, price and details. Accept payments via paypal or any other gateway.
10. Post Free Ads
Free ads can deliver very good results both at local and global level. The online population is more than a billion and traffic is always in search of finding their requirements. Prepare the content in brief while making it every effective to generate fast and quick results.
Without a website, is it possible to operate a business in modern Internet era? Yes, it possible whereas you may be exercise more professionally and circulate your assets more rigorously and act in time.
Mail Me: alphacontentwriting@gmail.com
My website http://www.alphacontentwriting.com
Recommended for Reading:
Top 10 Business Blogs and why they are successful
How to create a successful Business Blog
46% of U.S small businesses do not have a website
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