Internet is truly valuable for many small businesses as it
is a direct source to find customers. With more than a billion popular already
using Internet, it is quite apparent that they are searching for products and
services, at least once in a couple of days or week. Here is a question, how
can you find your targeted customers amid of competition from various traders
entering online.
True that e-commerce providers are offering a lot of convenience
and easy access to buy products from their website. One of the best features is
to register your product on Amazon or ebay and get product orders. The category and sub-category of your product
will enable to be found when consumers search for products.
Other strategy is to sell your products directly from your
website. Internet live stats recorded one billion websites in 2014 and it is
expected to exceed one billion websites in 2016 / 2017.
This indicates the popularity and demand for business
website authenticating that owning a website is the first market tool to tell
traffic online about your products. So, how exactly you will choose advertising
and marketing to speed up selling. Here are the best methods.
- Index your Website in Google
Google index will help your website or blog to crawl in search engine results. This should be your first step for your marketing strategy. Because, Google indexed website is likely to bring more results than an unlisted business website. Also, this is a free service that Google is offering for the benefit of all website and blog owners.
- Search Engine Optimize your website
There are multiple methods to SEO your website. Mostly, you can hire a SEO professional and optimize your website, or you can opt for Google SEO wherein your content really need to be high in quality content is a priority. Read Google SEO guidelines.
There are many benefits with SEO and this includes, free traffic, inquiries, leads and conversions. As a small business owner, it is essential that you should have a complete understanding and knowledge as to how SEO works.
- Create a facebook page
After you login with your personal account, you can create a page in facebook wherein you have access to name your page, add an image and address of your business. Your website and blog urls can also be added here. On everyday basis, you can share your articles, blog posts and the content you have read online, specifically on your facebook page, which will help your network to know more about your business. In fact there are many small business owners, who rely exclusively on facebook for their selling. The only criteria is that your posting should be interesting and engaging.
- Choose Google Ads
Google ads is a regular supplier of clients. This is not only cost-effective, but most importantly, it is a very good reliable advertising source for small business owners, who can pay for clicks and get access to customers. You can set your budget easily. As a new business owner, finding customers online, is a huge task and many find it hard to sell online.
- Upload a business video in YouTube
Videos are part of marketing strategy and in fact, these are
said to be more effective as compared to blog posts or articles. Because of the
fact that, within 2-4 minutes, extensive volume of information with practical
tips can be delivered in a video easily. Uploading a video to YouTube or
sharing your business video on social media while agreeing to the terms and
conditions, will generate lot of interest among visitors, and further you will
also receive comments, likes and dislikes leaving more scope for improvement.
- Create an Infographic
There are many free website that allow you to create an
infographic, viz. venngage, freepik, freeinfrographictemplates. You can create
either your business information infographic or something that helps audience
to gather a lot of information about a specific product or service. So, what is
an infographic?
“Graphic visual representations of information, data or
knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and clearly.”
(Source: Wikepedia)
- Have an account in Pinterest
Creating an account is Pinterest is absolute free and you
can share infographic, article, video or a blog post in an appropriate
discussion board and it will create a lot of interest. Pinterest is holding a
second or third place in social network and it is growing very fast. Another important statistic is, nearly 58 percent of Pinterest audience are women.
Pictures with price are more welcome for purchase. CTR (Click Through Rate) is
much better than other social media network.
- Upload your presentation to slideshare
Do you have good skills in presentation? Can you prepare a powerpoint presentation by organizing valuable data? Then, slideshare is your right choice. Go ahead and choose your message program and start building a powerpoint. In fact, it need not be directly related to your business, but it could a customer-centric topic that is liked by traffic. B2B or B2C, you are sure to win traffic, when you upload presentations to slideshare.
- Share your blog posts on social media
Owning a blog for your business and posting regularly is one of the ways to invite customers. The more blog posts you publish, the better is the outcome and advancement. It is good to ensure that your content is absolutely interesting with no plagiarism. Read the number of blog posts published every day
- Publish unique articles online
Choose one or more publishing platforms and work on the articles heavily to get more visitors and shares. You will know that while some writers take 20-30 minutes to work on a blog post, others take at least 2-3 days to write a 1000-2000 words article. However, the content matters most. Make it a regular practise to publish articles online.
Choosing one or more marketing channels is ideal for your
business to spread across more online presence and this will drive more traffic
to your website. Know that customers buy only when they are totally satisfied.
To that effect, you need to work on products to give them the best quality,
service and satisfaction.
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