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How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Relates to Content Marketing?

How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Relates to Content Marketing?

With AI (Artificial Intelligence) making its way into content marketing, how would you perceive the operations of your online business? The co-relation between AI and marketing is almost interdependent, AI tools, software systems and its applications have already made an impact. There are emerging businesses quickly implementing AI software into their business systems.

4 highlights of content marketing for your small business

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) also known as machine intelligence (MI) is demonstrated by machines as against human intelligence. In terms of computer science, AI is a study of "intelligent agents" accommodated in any device that achieves an understanding about its environment and takes actions to maximize opportunities of achieving its goals successfully. It is also referred as " cognitive " functions that humans associated as "problem solving" or " learning." (Source: Wikipedia)

What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing  is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain clearly defined audience - and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action. (Source: CMI) 

10 Groundbreaking tips for you to know who can use content marketing & how

The three Ds' of AI are "detect, deliberate,  develop."


Given a high volume of data, AI can candidly differentiate which is the most required and which is not.


Data is weighed and segregated based on certain attributes to answer certain questions or to make a recommendation.


Search terms are more valuable than the location of users.  AI grows with each search and within its environment, it makes experiments or evaluates the current information.

How content marketing drives sales?


Intelligence is the adaptability to change
                                                                    - Stephen Hawking-

With mission of colonization  in Mars or luxury resort hotel in space, spectacular achievements are already happening keeping your eyeballs rolling, it's time to for Robots taking up digital marketing online. As Google's Rank Brain, an AI process set up for search engine ranking,   soon, the old methodologies of SEO would diminish with AI taking the lead.

Human-centered content: What, When, Where, Why and How?

Necessary changes in content marketing:
  • Shift from keywords to phrases
  • Go by the personal interests of users
  • Follow neuroscience
  • Choose logical processing and analysis

Artificial Intelligence is like large umbrella and everything goes in it.

Application areas of AI:

  • Robotics
  • Learning systems
  • Planning
  • Logic programming
  • Image recognition
  • Image understanding
  • Knowledge reasoning
  • Computer vision
Experts views on AI:

" The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of human would take on its own, and redesign itself at an ever increasing rate. Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn't compete and would be superseded."
                                                                                                               -Stephen Hawking-
"Worth reading Superintelligence by Bostrom. We need to be super careful with AI. Potentially more dangerous than nukes." --Elon Musk-

Currently, content marketing is everything for a small business. The more effective it goes with its strategy, the better are the results. But surely, the awareness is very little and very businesses know and understand about the use of content marketing and further there are also few misconceptions about it. With AI, marketing science comes into effect and mostly lead by data and logical reasoning, content marketing initiatives are made. 

Classification of methods are made into four broad classes. These are:

1. Experimental or trade-off methods
2. Questions and answers
3. Model based on stored or historic data, artificial intelligence, machine learning
4. Theoretical models


Big Data being a power play steering, it helps in marketing,  scientific research and customer interests.  Content marketing plays its role only through AI, classification of methods and big data.


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