As a good article writer, you will receive lot of good rating and there will be many fans for you on various publishing web sites. Writing is always prospective but there should be continuous effort from your side to improve your quality of writing.
It is true that some times you may not be appreciated for your writing and may face rejections. But this does not mean that you should be discouraged. You can still make efforts and work for better quality and start improving your quality.
Read good articles and understand how other writers have written and try to rewrite those articles and in this way you will be learning and practicing the art of good article writing.
You should work on various topics and understand how best you are communicating with the reader. Your language should be very simple, conversational style but at the time same you keep a contact with your reader that your reader is able to receive exactly the information that is being searched through online.
The main aim of your writing should be to provide excellent information and details about a topic. For instance if you are writing a health article, you should provide how best health can be maintained and what are the essential diets and what care should be taken in terms of diet maintenance.
Such as these when you provide in your article, your article will be very interesting and will keep the interest of the reader. So understanding your reader is also important
Write on various topics. Take a good research on each and every topic before writing an article and allot specific time for writing an article. Write down all the important points you wish to focus and cover all the important areas of the topic. You will surely be a successful article writer.