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7 Tips to Understand the Effective Working of Social Media Marketing

Freelance or finding a job in Social media field - both are prospective fields.

First, gaining an expertise in the subject area is essential.

While there are multiple online courses available to pursue and acquire certification in each social media channel, gives you a thorough working knowledge.

Each platform is offering uniquely designed certified courses that explore a wide expertise that further keeps you ahead in managing various tasks.

1. Why Businesses Rely Heavily on Social Media?

This is a modern communication method  and the landscape of social media is wide.

Certainly,  the model in which the content marketing and communication are integrated brings in a new wave to understand and reach your audience.

Engaging conversations,  managing online reputation,  building social network and lead generation is achievable when  a specific strategy is followed.

2. Social Media Stats:

It is estimated that more than 3Billion users will be active on Social media by 2021.

More than 25% of world's population logs in to the Facebook at least once a month.

From B2B perspective,  LinkedIn has 550M members with 106M active users. This is the most important platform used in the social selling process.

(Social selling is the process of using social media to develop and build relationships and networking as part of sales process)

75% of B2B buyers use social media to conduct research and gather intelligence.

58% of consumers are likely to share their positive brand experience on social media platforms.

72% of consumers trust a brand afer reading a positive customer review on social media.

3. The Role of Social Media

The impact of social media is that it

- Receives and shares information

- Changes the ways of communication and engagement

- Transforms the way a business is conducted

- Viewed as a primary form of communication

- Different segment of audience act, respond, share and engage in conversations in different ways

- Polls, quizzes, questions and chats emerge new views and opinions

- Content marketing is  very important part of social media strategy.

Content Marketing Institute defines content marketing as

" A strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable,  relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience - and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action."

4. The top benefits of content marketing on social media:

- Raise brand awareness

- Drive incremental sales

- Build communities

- Encourages likes, comments and shares, tweets and retweets

- High quality content marketing delivers more than estimated results with SEO.

- Create content that is engaging and relevant to your target audience.

- Identify the needs of audience and their requirements

- To achieve successful results in social media marketing,  it is necessary to maintain a balance between business promotion, and engagement efforts.

5. What is the most essential aspect of Social Media?

Reputation management is a process to improve your brand by enabling - tracking, monitoring,  and eliminating social media posts.

It helps in building the credibility,  trust, reliability and value with customers.

Negative opinions and feedback cannot be ignored as they affect reputation management.

Tracking, monitoring and eliminating negative social media posts is very important in maintaining online reputation management.

6. What are the effective ways to engage customers?

- Post daily

- Use images

- Be personal

- Mention people

- Listen

- Encourage Readers

- Monitor

- Run Contests

- Pose a question

- Build Partnerships

- Host a weekly/ monthly Twitter chat

7. Benefits for Businesses upon using Social Media

Social media goals most often align with business goals and objectives.

Particularly in achieving the following business goals:

- Drive new business

- Increase customer retention

- Build brand awareness

- Improve customer experience

- Increase competitive displacement

The impact of social media on business goals results in -

- Business growth

- Revenue growth

- Brand awareness

- Customer retention and satisfaction

- Competitive displacement


Social media marketing is a highly effective way to reach new audiences and generating conversation around your brand.


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