How to choose topics for article writing? How to choose article title? (Tips to work on it for higher score)


As an article writer, you do great spending lot of time in planning your writing.

It's certainly worth your time and energy.

But have you ever wondered, how to choose a best title for your article. There are hundreds of articles that get published everyday. You know very well how audience consume content. 

They love good content that begins and ends with interesting content on various topics.

Which is why you see there's overwhelming response to article publishing directories. There may be thousands of articles on a single topic, but you will never stop receiving endless questions, comments and likes and so much of engagement.

That gives a great advantage for you to know how best you can work on each article. That's awesome.

So, what are those topics are you working on?

I thought, I would share some latest topics with you in this lock-down period, so that you can get some traffic to your blog / website.

1. Technology - This is an ever green trend. Technology is now part of our daily lives.

Research on latest technology trends and develop an article around it. 

2. Electronic devices

From mobiles to security cameras to spa and electric hair straighteners,  these are very trendy.

Are you good at writing product reviews in your own style? 

Inspire visitors and tell them what's good about your favorite devices.

They love to read your personal stories.

3. Health Tips

Covid-19 has changed our living standards. Staying home and work from home with so many things to manage - family, work, cooking, house cleaning and personal care, you need health tips.

Are you good at sharing health tips about diet, exercise, sleep, vitamins, home remedies and much more? 

Get on with it and start working on long form of articles.

Write for housewives,  working women, young moms, retired seniors, and much more.

They are attracted to your articles with the quality of information you provide.

It definitely works for the benefit of your audience.

4. Covid-19 Pandemic

Ever since Covid-19 pandemic has hit China first and later other countries, with nearly 31,771,441 cases globally and there are many new updates released everyday.

Share the latest cautionary information with your audience conevying awareness.

It helps them in staying safe.

5. Diet Plan

What to cook during this period is a great question and would you be able to help audience on how to cook and what type of vegetables are good for your health on a daily basis?

Offer your recommendations, advice and suggestions.

Now comes the most important part of article writing.

Title or Headline. How would you work on it? The length,  words used, keywords, and short or.long length or how many words used, corrections etc.

There are some Internet tools that enable you to draft your article title and check the score.

Some of the popular headline analyzers are:

1. Sharethrough headline

2. Coschedule

3. Capitalize my title

4. Ami institute

What consists a good title?

A good title not only gets a good score upon checking, but it will also have information, emotions, question and interest.

Some say long title is idea and others not more than 12 words.

However, you check the score and ensure it has higher score and that is how you know it will be an interesting title.

Avoid commonly used jargon and make it uniquely interesting.

Inspire, educate and bring awareness to the title to click and read.

Ensure to work on the title after finishing the article. 

Arundhathi enamela

Certified AI copywriter offering freelance copywriting services.

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