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Six Content Producing Tips for your content marketing strategy in Lockdown Period


Lockdown has brought many challenges and it is quite a task to handle and manage both home and work at the same time. But fortunately many are able to cope with the multitasking and they are doing it well. It’s been six months since the lockdown started and time has been slipping by. 

As you begin to work on developing various marketing ideas, one of the best ways is to go with your local audience and their needs. First tap into the market and read some of the discussions and conversations happening online in your local communities. 

Take a topic of discussion and develop content around the same. Like for example - how to manage your business or what are the trending local business marketing ideas etc., These would help you to explore more such new ideas and give you a better view of managing your local business well.

#1. Customer Interest-based topics 

Some of the topics that customers would be widely interested are - 

  • How to manage your time well

  • Best strategies to promote your business

  • Best places to advertise and promote your business

  • Finding new customers online

  • Offering best services to customers

  • Product delivery and customer satisfaction 

  • Ecommerce strategies 

  • Using technology tools for your business 

  • How often should you perform content marketing 

#2. Use Internet Technology 

Checking google trends can often be a good benefit to choose some of the best trending topics to develop content marketing and this would enable your business to get promoted online.

Particularly, when we are using Internet technology for business promotion online, it is easy to find an audience online as they browse for products, purchase online, read reviews, search for locations and every activity in meeting their requirements. It is so much easier to connect with your audience when you are actively promoting your business with content marketing. 

#3. Content Types 

The type of content you publish is also required to be relevant so that the audience finds it interesting, engaging and connecting with it. For this purposes, let’s quickly find out what interests audience online:

  • Posters

  • Images and photographs

  • Flyer designs

  • Infographics

  • Facebook posts

  • Instagram posts 

  • LinkedIn posts

  • Short clip videos or videos with time span of 5 minutes or more

  • Blog posts with images and videos 

  • Article writing

  • SEO articles with informative content 

#4. Aim at Audience 

Content continues to produce good results as search engines love new flow of content. The long-form of content is quite appealing and it also indicates high reliability and usability. If you are able to produce 700 words or above, it would be a good beginning for an article to get promoted.

Ensure to make paragraphs 3-4 lines and ensure to give a subhead for effective reading and clarity on the topic of discussion.

#5. Develop Content Plan 

If you are able to make a clear writing plan, it would be much helpful with the fact that topic-wise discussion in the article can bring a good flow of thought process, ideas and organizing content in a structured fashion.

Keep in view of your target audience. Whether you are writing for global audiences or for local audiences,  your content needs to be goal-driven and audience-centered.

Develop content not for search engines, but for your audience. Keep this as a secret of success formula and work on your content development.  The more ideas you develop, the better is your content. 

#6. Begin with first draft  

How much to write and publish is also a challenge for content marketers. Just keep going with it. Never stop. Because, as a content creator, you have to have fast, knitty-gritty niche-based writing experience and you have to get on with it rapidly. Writing as fast as you can in your first draft allows you to revise and refine the final draft.

Just begin in a flow and finish the draft first. Spend quality time on it in checking grammar, sentence framing, organizing ideas and giving subheads etc., 

In respect of lockdown in a pandemic period, you should consider being consistent in your publishing and pursue your business plans on a daily basis. There is definitely more need for marketing as small businesses strive to keep up with their marketing goals and content publishing.


Follow guidelines of publishing and produce quality content that is useful and earns a rewarding reading experience to the visitors. Though this is a difficult and hard time, you can offer a lot of help to those small business owners who are seeking help with their content marketing needs.


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