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Showing posts from September, 2021

How to make dry fruit powder for enhancing the taste of milk

  Do you like morning milk? It's a great way to start your day. Your family also needs rich vitamins bountiful in fresh cream milk. You come across a lot of varieties while buying milk. Almond milk, low cream, high cream, tone and untoned and many other. Boiling milk for a while and cooling it, adding sugar, and other flavored powders like BournVita, Boost, Complan and others is in practice. All age group love these protein powders like Bournvita, Boost, Horlicks and Complan.  A spoonful of one of these powders adding to a hot cup of milk adds a lot of taste and it is very delicious to drink. Adding sugar is your choice. You can add 1 to 2 tsp of sugar depending on your preference. But it really enhances the taste of your milk. Ever thought of making dry fruit powder? How to make it? The following is the recipe to make dry fruit powder and this is absolutely health drink. 1. Cashews : 5-10 2. Almonds : 5-10 3. Raisins : 5-10 4. Pistachios : 5-10 5. Watermelon and sunflower seeds :

Just one Tip : Develop content that is consumable (Content Marketing Tips)

An increasing demand for content marketing is here again during pandemic. Many small and home-owned businesses have been finding it very hard to market as their budget is very small. It is not limited to small businesses alone, but also to big and giant business holders who are seeking to put in their good efforts to market their products. With heavy SEO strategies and social media trends being on the rise, what are the best options available for you during this time as a business owner to market your business online. Any successful ideas? From watch repair service to laundry, there are hundreds of small businesses rely on content marketing. As PPC and video advertising are also very useful in generating leads, setting budget for advertising as become a good practice. This strategy has helped in generating leads even during pandemic period and has helped many owners to survive. How did you spend time in your business during pandemic? The following are some of the top trending content m