4 Tips to know about Article Marketing

Ready-made articles are so profitable.  As a matter of fact, your small business is need of regular promotion and you need tons of articles to advertise your products and services. Article marketing is very popular and stands at the top as a successful marketing strategy.

What is Article Marketing?

Article marketing is essentially about distribution of short articles at article directories and other online places to invite traffic to your website or blog. In fact, article marketing is the least expensive model of marketing for a business and it continues to be in trend.

Benefits of Article Marketing

Articles are permanently reside online and promisingly assure sales for a business.  Publishing more and more articles convey credibility of a business.

  • Generates traffic and leads
  • Promotes the products and services of a business
  • Minimum costs for publishing article
  • Generates interest among audience 
  • Free sources to publish article
  • Wide scope for advertising and marketing of business 
  • Reaches audience rapidly

Niche Building for Article Marketing

With multiple sources making it much easier for writers to publish articles, small business owners choose writers who are not only experts in their niche, must have writing skills to craft quality content rather than being promotional.

Are you a good writer having expertise in one or more specific niche? You are sure to win writing contracts from your clients.

Some of the popular sites for article marketing are:

How to practice Article Marketing?

Not just regular article writing on a topic, but also, you need deep knowledge ranging from basics to in-depth discussion.   To achieve, begin writing articles or blog posts with good research. As you publish consistently, you begin to acquire expertise on the topic and this brings a wider knowledge to develop web content, press release, newsletters and blog articles originally.

Try to work on just one topic - For example, if you choose as coffee as your topic, you should publish articles on coffee widely that includes local and global brands, flavors, different types of coffee etc.,  You should gain a complete authority/expertise over the topic, that small business owners approach you with their article marketing needs for their coffee business.


Initially, it may appear as a hard job with mere writing and publishing. But, positive results are not too far away, as article marketing reaches audience who read your articles, leave comments, and gives an opportunity to hire you for writing articles. 


Arundhathi enamela

Certified AI copywriter offering freelance copywriting services.

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