Do you read everyday? Offline or online, reading is a wonderful source of knowledge. Writer, employee, student or a professional, at some point reading comes your way. After the emergence of Internet technology, reading has become a daily task such as clicking a website or watching a video or an ad, you wish to know what it is about and take to time to read.
While shopping online for products, you spend time on reviews as they are a reliable source for finding about the pros and cons of a product. Global e-commerce networth is nearly $22 Trillion (UNCTAD). Although, checking products comes by a requirement, genuine interest in building knowledge is mostly acquired by reading articles, kindle books and physical books.
So, check now, what were the recent article websites, magazine articles or books that you read? Did you know there are public domain books that gives you access to read books online? The following are the top 25 online sources for reading books.
1. Project Gutenberg
2. Europeana
3. Digital Public Library of America
4. Internet Archive
5. Open Library
6. Feedbooks
7. Manybooks
8. DailyLit
9. Google Book search
10. The Literature Network
11. Bartleby
12. Authorama
13. Read Easily
14. Librivox
15. Legamus
16. Open Culture
17. Books should be Free
18. Classic Literature Library
19. The Online Books page
20. Great Books and Classics
21. Classic Reader
22. Planet Publish
23. Classical Chinese Literature
24. Wolne Lektury
25. Projekti Lonnrot
As you begin with your first book, you go on with many more books that you spend time in reading for grabbing vast knowledge. For those who are voracious in reading, it becomes a passion.
Top 10 quotes on books and reading:
Books are a uniquely portable magic - Stephen King
No two persons ever read the same book -Edmund Wilson
Whenever you read a good book,
somewhere in the world a door opens to allow in more light.
–Vera Nazarian
If we encounter a man of rare intellect,
we should ask him what books he reads.
–Ralph Waldo Emerson
I think of life as a good book.
The further you get into it, the more it begins to make sense.
–Harold Kushner
There is no friend as loyal as a book
-Ernest Hemingway
You can’t buy happiness,
but you can buy books and that’s kind of the same thing.
There is a great deal of difference between an eager man who wants to read a book
and the tired man who wants a book to read.
–Gilbert K. Chesterton
A book is a dream that you hold in your hand.
–Neil Gaiman
Start off now to spend at least an hour or more in reading books or any knowledgeable source as it helps in expanding your learning and keeps you ahead. You agree surely that spending time in reading would never ever go in waste.