Who doesn't love diet coke? This is the most loving drink for everyone who aspire to grab a can with or without favorite pizza, burger or French fries. Suiting for both casual and special occasions, the praise is never enough for a lifetime even after describing the sip-taste. Operated in 200+ countries, there's no other beverage that replaces coke until now.
Coca-cola brands are as follows:
1. Coca-cola
2. Sprite
3. Fanta
4. Diet Coke
5. Coca-cola zero
6. Coa-cola Life
7. Dasani
8. Minute Maid
9. Ciel
10. Powerade
11. Simply Orange
12. Coca-cola light
13. Fresca
14. Glaceau Vitamin water
15. Del Valle
16. Glaceau smartwater
17. Mello Yello
18. Fuze
19. Fuze Tea
20. Honest Tea
21. Odwalla
22. Powerade Zero
The world's largest and leading multinational brand is now venturing into a new change by introducing 4 diet-coke flavors exclusively for young generation.
“Millennials are now thirstier than ever for adventures and new experiences, and we want to be right by their side,” Rafael Acevedo, North America’s group director for Diet Coke says.
“We’re contemporizing the Diet Coke brand and portfolio with sleek packaging and new flavors that are appealing to new audiences.”
Coming after two-year research, the new flavors endeavor to modernize and re-energize Diet Coke for young people.
Top 10 Quotes on Coca-Cola:
The model of Coca-Cola is local, whether it's investing, partnering, sourcing, producing, or selling. We market and distribute locally; we pay taxes locally. And it works.
- Muhtar Kent-
Wherever you go, there are three icons that everyone knows: Jesus Christ, Pele and Coca-Cola.
There are things in American culture that want to wipe the class distinction. Blue jeans. Ready-made clothes. Coca-Cola.
-Leslie Fiedler-
I don't need to know how they make Coca-Cola. I think it tastes just fine not knowing what the ingredients are. I think there are some things that should be kept secret.
- Colin Hanks -
Without a Coca-Cola life is unthinkable.
-Henry Miller- The Air-Conditioned Nightmare
Travel where you will, anywhere in the world, and you will encounter Coca-Cola -- on clothes, in signs, on packaging, in art -- everywhere.
-Judith Evans - Redesigning Identity
Coca-Cola should always be within an arm's reach of desire.
- Robert W.Woodruff
Coca-Cola is the only business in the world where no matter which country or town or village you are in, if someone asks what do you do, and you say you work for Coca-Cola, you never have to answer the question, What is that?
Muhtar Kent
Muhtar Kent
“There is no such thing as business ethics. Just ethics. It’s not separate from the rest of your life."
- Don Keough -
“I define my role as president of The
-Don Keough-
“The brain is like a sponge. If you let it get dry, you can peel it off bit by bit. To have output, you have to have constant stimulus and input.”
-Don Keough-
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