As a writer, you are applying for many jobs, meeting clients and publishing more online. True that you may not be successful in winning contracts for every job you apply. Because your clients look for exclusive writing experience to rapid results to make their business more popular easily holding audience interest.
Every business has its targets, immediate needs and long-term goals. If they have to hire you for their writing needs, they will always search for your potential expertise, skills, calibre and analyze how fast your content will boost their business.
Many writers are good at the following areas:
- Article writing
- Technical writing
- Blog posts
- Editing / proof reading
- Product Description
- Product reviews
- Press Release
To be a successful writer online, you need good writing style and high readability score.
As you have set your mind to have a successful career in online writing, the next course of action is to know and understand how to be successful in different areas of writing.
Article writing
Read Writers Digest article, Write a how-to article in 6 easy steps published in 2011. There are many different goals of an article. While choosing a particular goal, it invites various elements of content, data and sources.
But the basic guide to write an article does not change whereas the angle of a topic which you want focus and highlight does signify the success of an article.
To sum up, a good article has the following:
- Interesting title
- Data driven
- Organized content
- Interesting subheadings
- Definite sources
- Used as a reference
- Helps audience
- Drives clients to hire you
Technical Writing
Very few gain expertise in technical writing as it has many hard components to write an easy flowing content. From software products to automobiles, there is more technicality involved in describing the benefits, built and uses of a product. Therefore gaining experience in developing technical content will soon establish you as a good technical writer. In fact, the fee for technical writers is very high.
Definition of technical writing
'Technical writing' is any written form of writing or drafting technical communication used in a variety of technical and occupational fields, such as computer hardware and software, engineering, chemistry, aeronautics, robotics, finance, consumer electronics, and biotechnology'
Editing / Proof Reading
To be a successful editor and a proof reader, the required qualifications and skills are as follows:
- Excellent grammar and English verbal and writing skills
- Excellent vocabulary
- Knowledge about content creation
- Experience in framing sentences
- Abilities to understand the goals and objectives of content
- The difference of dos and don'ts in writing
Sources to learn advanced skills in proof reading and editing are:
Did you ever know the field in which you are working is a lucrative source. The secret to earn six-figure income is to write more and never say enough.
Because article writing has many sub-categories that include blog post, article marketing, video script, article publishing and finally content creation and content marketing.
In spite of tough competition, know that there is still market for you. Because the need for writing is actually doubling every year.
If you notice carefully, you will know that there are hardly any writers who are known for their organized content.
So, you have a big chance to win and create a map for earning your wealth.
Follow These Facts:
- Requirement of article writers
- Scope to find jobs or build a freelance writing career
- Potential for free advertising sources to market your services
- Opportunities are plenty to design a career in article writing, blogging, content writing, content marketing and content strategy
How to start off
Whether you are a native speaker or a non-native speaker your English language and grammar must be put to test.
Create a Blog and publish at least 5-10 posts per day
There are many categories and online business companies who regularly hire article writers to write SEO articles and marketing pieces.
Therefore, focusing heavily on practicing writing and applying for the online jobs while showcasing your work online will be a full-time career to generate fast and easy earning online.
The career of a freelance writer is entirely managed by one's own dedication.
Finding different ways and methods to reach your targets will bring in a lot of success.
With low-cost start-up, there is more wealth in freelance writing career. Knowing about it fully will build an extensive wealth.