A tiny cumin seed, the second most popular spice globally, is used in every curry and snack. Though being small in size, cumin plant grows anywhere between 12-20 inches tall. Having both health and medical properties, a pinch of ground cumin can add much flavor and taste. It is greatly used in Indian cooking.
As said, content marketing is essential for your business to win customers, grow traffic and stay popular online. Small, medium or big enterprise, working on content marketing strategy is the most competent task that makes you busy.
Innovation, creativity, CX (customer experience) and UX (user experience) are applied in content creation to enable benefits to readers. It will further generate fast and quick results.
# 1. Elements of content marketing
So, what are the ways in which content marketers can work to create profitable and user-centered content?
- Work on content strategy
- Prepare a content marketing strategy
- Identify audience (buyer personas)
- Develop content in the interest of targeted audience
- Use search engine optimization techniques
- Use social media platforms
Create each piece of content with a purpose, goal and objective
# 2. Tips for publishing content
Some of the common forms of content marketing include - long posts that are informative, data-driven and stay relevant for the interest of audience.
Here at this point, more focus is given to make sure that content is perfect. This means, it solves one or more problems of readers and provides solutions.
Posts can be titled as -
- How-to
- Avoid mistakes
- Tips
- Listicles
- Why
- Guides
- Use titles that inspire, educate, inform and interest
# 3. Deliver stories to benefit the readers
Share anecdotes or any story that inspires readers. That is how you retain and hold the interest. Because, if audience bounce from reading, you would generate any positive results. Stories motivate powerfully.
Use stories in:
- videos
- content
- Infographics
- presentations
- Catalogs
- or anywhere that you can relate to in content marketing
# 4. Be Ready with content ideas
Ideas are powerful for content marketing. To generate ideas, you need to understand your audience. Following buyer personas can produce many content ideas.
- What are their interests?
- What are their needs?
- Various models of their buying behavior
- Apply the concepts of motivation and inspiration to encourage and entertain audience
# 5. Various content formats of content marketing
Apart from publishing articles and blog posts, you can also use the following content formats to benefit targeted audience in B2B business.
- ebooks
- guides
- whitepapers
- case studies
- researched reports
- press release
Content types for B2C
- Social media posts
- videos
- Photographs
- Infographics
- Quizzes, surveys
# 6. Follow SEO techniques
SEO is still big and including metatag, meta description, keywords and choosing an attractive title in your content, along with keyword can help in fetching more views. Many influencers online have begun their journey small and have grown big only with SEO implementation.
# 7. Call-To-Action
A discount coupon or a free ebook encourages visitor to come back to your website or blog. It leaves a positive impact and even sometimes generates lead. In fact, experts say that giving away free stuff is a solid base for growing leads.
If you are selling e-commerce product, invite visitors to your landing page or display your product for final purchase. Staying longer on your page, is the first success and this is mostly attributed to quality content. Make sure to deliver easily readable, yet valuable content.
# 8. Set budget
Setting budget for your B2B or B2C business content marketing can widely help in choosing a strategy, content type etc to effectively implement it.
# 9. Monitor the Results
Monitoring the results of a marketing campaign is most crucial to the success. The hits, likes, comments, shares and redirect to website or blog can reaffirm the success rate of content marketing.
As always, Content Marketing Institute (CMI) is inviting entries for Content Marketing Awards 2018 in 92 categories ranging from strategy to distribution, from design to editorial. The international awards program is prestigious and held every year.
To find out more about CMI awards, click here
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