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Showing posts from May, 2020

How to Understand the Workflow of Programmatic Buying (15 slides)

How to Understand Programmatic Buying (17 slides)

Content Road-Map

Writing content is an everyday job for content writers. Not just one type of content. You may have to keep shifting from web content to blog post, then a press release, a white paper and an ebook or some other. How would you map your content? Here's an expert Infographic from expert - Ann Handley. From Visually .

10 # Feel-good Facial Care Tips for Every Day Routine

You deserve to look the best each time when you are with your friends, family, attending parties and in your college or office. How to look great? Do you need expensive clothing or jewelry or any other?  Surprisingly,  the answer is very simple.  As an old adage quote says - beauty is  skin deep.  Its meaning - though you look beautiful outside, your character which is your inside attribute makes you look more attractive. When you look great, you feel confident about yourself and others adore you as well.  There are many make up secrets to share with you, but there are 10# tips to put make up are discussed in this blog post with you, like : - What exactly is beauty care? - What's like taking care every day? - How to treat acne? - Change your pillowcase every week - Are you doing your make up the right way? - How to pick facial cosmetics? - How to understand about eye make up? - What color of lipstick to wear? - How to choose your perfume? - Final check What exactly is beauty care?