Knee care guide for 50+ (Special Focus on Massage oils)

Knee pain sometimes becomes unbearable and you look for several external and internal home remedies for quick relief.

Did you ever try finding out how and why it occurs? 

Have you consulted an Ortho physician?

True that nagging pain and discomfort in walking can cause you a lot of stress.

But no worries, over a period 60-90 days, you will soon begin to feel normal based on the identification of causes, when it occurs due to excessive physical work and activities. 

Specifically in this blog post, I'm going to discuss some of the best clinically tested, herbal-based, Indian-spice based massage oil that has natural healing properties.

Over a period of time,  you will find complete relief.  

Oil massage creates lubrication between cartilage and synovium preventing the joints rubbing together.

Due to increasing age, wear and tear can occur for your cartilage. 

But essential oils prove a lot of help.

Later in the, you can read more about the essential oils.

But now, read along to find out about symptoms, diet and preventive tips that lead to chronic knee pain and diseases.

Let's first see what are symptoms of knee pain.

1. Mild strains and sprain

A sprain occurs when there's an abnormal stretch of a ligament that supports a joint.

A strain occurs when muscle tears or tendon  stretches abnormally.

You will notice both swelling and pain in both the stages.

It can be identified with x-ray or CT scan.

2. Minor temporary pain

Work loads at home or office can keep you standing for long hours and builds stress resulting in knee pain.

But you can find cure when you relax and take rest and oil massage  lubrucation can bring a lot relief easing the pain.

3. Swelling and stiffness

At this stage, it makes it very difficult for you to walk.

You need to undergo the treatment recommended by ortho specialist and be cured.

Because, they can diagnose the cause and help you with the details of internal dysfunctionality. 

4. Weakness or instability 

Do you begin to experince weekness or unable to walk firmly?

It could be causing weak knees.

There might be a need for a temporary treatment.

5. Do you hear a cracking noise?

With aging, inflammation builds in your knees. Cartilage in your knee becomes hard and rough. Bones cannot slide easily in your joints when you are bending or taking stairs.

6. Find difficulty in stretching knees

If the muscles around your knee go tight, you will find it hard in stretching knees which is why regular exercise of either sit ups or ball ring exercise is recommended to keep the muscles intact.

There are many other symptoms that appear due to various injuries that occur both internally and externally. 

Such as other factors like back pain, rheumatoid  arthritis and other concerns result in developing knee pain.

Is there a permanent solution?

Yes,  there are many treatments available that are long standing that can make you feel better and it may even strengthen your knees than before.

Some of the daily routine tips include:

- if you are over 50 years of age, relax as much as you can and stop working for long hours in kitchen or for domestic chores.

- Try to relax as much as possible avoiding pressure on your knees.

- Take a morning and and evening walk for 20-30 minutes.

This activity builds muscles and removes the pressure from joints.

- Increases capacity to handle weight thereby reducing pain in your knees.

- You can lose weight making it much lighter for you to walk easily 

- They say for every pound you lose, you reduce the knee pressure by four times.


 Diet to consider in preventing pain in knees

- Salmon fish has plenty of Omega-3 fatty acids that primarily have anti-inflammatory properties. You can also add sardines, mackerel, fresh tuna.

- Oils apart from fish oil can help in reducing inflammation. 

- Consume dark leafy greens

- Drink green tea

- Add garlic to your cooking

- Add flaxseed, walnuts, chia seeds

- Oils like avocado and safflower are healthy in reducing cholesterol. 

- Add milk, yoghurt, cheese as they have plenty of calcium, vitamin D to increase knee bone strength. 

- Add more fruits and vegetables in your daily diet.

Foods to avoid

Older women are likely to suffer from rheumatoid arthritis,  osteoarthritis  and psoriatic arthritis. 

All of the above trigger in joint pain and sometimes lead to a disability in walking.

However, these can be prevented by avoiding the following foods.

- Fried and processed foods like fried meat or frozen meals.

- Avoid foods that are heated, grilled, fried or pasteurized 

- High amount of sugars, candies, white flour baked goods, sodas and processed foods. 

- Check with a doctor whether you are allergic to dairy. 

- Alcohol and tobacco

- Salt and preservatives 

Excessive weight - how it works?

Though a lot of physical activity or prolonged sitting can cause knee pain, clinical experts say that being overweight or obese can cause complications to knees.

Those extra kilos can increase the stress on your knees thereby causing chronic pain and even lead to other health issues.

Body Mass Index (BMI) in older women - after the age of 50 years, is a key factor.  

It must range between 18 and 24.9.

BMI 25 or over and above indicates overweight. 

Whereas 30 indicates obesity.

Among the health risks posed with high BMI that include - hypertension,  heart disease, diabetes, vascular disease, knee pain is also caused as it lays excessive weight on the knees making them brittle and fragile.

Because knees carry the effects of extra weight increasing the risk of osteoarthritis (a type of arthritis that wears down the bones).

The purpose of essential oils

The massage given with essential oils at home comes under the category of home remedies.

Treating both short-term and long-term knee pain, it works steadily.

At times they get healed naturally with no requirement to visit a doctor.

Mostly considered as a self-massage technique,  The American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) recommends - 

- Do these in a seated position allowing feet flat on the floor.

- With loose closed hands as fists, tap the upper, lower and middle thigh 10 times with both hands. Repeat the process three times.

- Placing flat feet in seated position, allow the heel of the hand to slide on the top of the thigh and bring it to the knee. Repeat it five times. Apply the process for inner and outer thigh as well.

- With the palm of your hand massage the top and bottom of the thigh, the top of knee as well.

- Massaging the thigh muscles benefit knee.

You feel much better during massage and also the after-affects.

Good results definitely appear steadily over a period of 60-90 days and you'll be fine.

 These therapy preparations help in reducing pain.


 In a research study it was found that applying oils that have cinnamon, ginger. Sesame oiland mastic eliminate pain completely, strengthen the muscles and knee joints.

Just by following proper prescribed techniques of oil application, you can derive best results.

Apart from being part of a home remedy DIY, the oils are available online for purchase.

You can check the ingredients, read reviews and test a sample.

Upon indicating good results, you can use regularly at home. 

Dr. Ortho Pain Relief Oil 

Made with essential oils like sesame, mint and 
Nirgundi, this oil massage strengthens your knees.

Offers a great relax and keeps you active to geel better every day.

Ideally designed for 50+ the massage brings you complete relief.

Star rated 4 out 5, users are very happy with its benefits. 

Made with simple but effective oils, the massage is much easier and safer to do.

Women having mild or major knee pain can use the oil and derive the benefits with its regular use.

It works wonderfully. 

Arundhathi enamela

Certified AI copywriter offering freelance copywriting services.


  1. This is a really informative knowledge, Thanks for posting this informative Information. Real-time Marketing

    1. Thank you for sharing your valuable feedback. Best,

  2. Taking massage is really helpful. But use natural joint pain oil which gives you more relief from joint pain.

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