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Showing posts from August, 2020

Top 4 cloud technologies that you should rely upon for your business to run smoothly in this lock-down period (2020)

  Hi There! How are you doing? Taking good care during this lockdown period? Wearing a mask, washing hands and watching social distancing - 3 important, very important Ws. We have to be practicing. Cause this is really important. How does it feel to be this way?  Staying home and spending time on your own or working in your casuals may sometimes appear as fun, but it sends you different signals of whole lot of new experience.  That's okay, for now. You say. Well, I thought I would share about some new software learning tips for you, especially about cloud technology. Heard about cloud? Cloud technology or cloud computing  is about - Delivery of computing services that includes - - servers - storage - databases - networking - software - analytics - intelligence Routed through Internet which is ("cloud") to offer safely and securely transfer encrypted services to offer faster innovation,  flexible resources and economies of scale. When you cloud services, you pay only for s

What time is your breakfast everyday? (Find out the ideal time)

It's another new day and you wake up hungry, as you had a good night sleep and feel fresh. Sometimes, the kitchen-cooking flavors make you more hungry and you get ready for breakfast. Let's find out more about our early-morning eating habits. Give a good-start to your metabolism,  helping you burn calories throughout the day.  You definitely need energy to focus particularly when working from home during this lockdown period.  Otherwise, you keep eating more later in the day. Studies have also shown that eating timely morning meal, safeguards your health by promoting better memory and concentration.  It also lowers the levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol,  and lower the chances of getting diabetes, heart disease, and gaining weight. Vitamins in Breakfast Not only there's a rich supply of vitamins and nutrients from healthy foods like dairy, grains, and fruits, but it also takes care of your energy levels all through the day. Ideal time for breakfast Ideally, best time