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Top 20 Tips to fix the biggest problem with content writing

Are you into a content writing career? Great!. Writing is a passion for you. But not all can do it. 

If you want a job in writing, then don't leave. 

Writing content and being a content writer is not easy. It takes a lot of practice, and patience before you can claim to be a successful content writer. 

A good content writer can write and deliver to you any kind of well-written content, the main thing is to be enthusiastic about your writing.

Becoming a good writer is not enough, it includes many other things. There are many more features to content writing than just typing words on a piece of paper. 

Being a content writer has huge benefits. Everything depends on your situation, you may have the option of working from home or in your favorite cafe where someone should decide the topic you want to write about and understand your published work and create real value. 

If you write for a living, whether you are a freelance writer or you run your own blog, it is understood that you should at least know the basics of writing. But just knowing the basics isn't enough to create great content for online consumption. The content you post should have a specific purpose that contributes to your end goal.

 These are some of the top tips that will be helpful for you to be successful in your content writing.

In content writing, there's a lot to gain. 

If you want to be a successful content writer, you need to have some skills in mind.

Sometimes,  content writing can be a difficult task because there are many things here that you need to accomplish. 

The job is not easy, there are a few skill areas you need to have to be successful besides being a great writer. 

  1. Publish everyday

Becoming a good writer takes practice, and you need good ideas. Create ideas in writing more than you think. 

Now, to improve your writing, know what you can do to give your writing more structure, and readability, and make your copy sharper and more readable. 

Let your blog be your own authority.

  1. Improve your writing skills 

When it comes to knowing how to improve your content writing skills, it can be difficult to know where to start. 

The best way to practice this skill is to practice and write every day. You've probably responded to emails and shared updates on social media. 

Your regular practice may include writing content that is shared with others, such as blogs, social media, news articles, etc. 

If you have a Twitter profile or a Facebook profile, Instagram starts creating a post a day and writes two or three sentences about what you do or promote. It will help build a writer's portfolio and improve general writing skills.

Write about everything that interests you. Write a personal blog about your favorite hobbies, travel, food, health, etc. Write a social media post about your interest in the group. 

Write a comment on a blog you visit for fun and entertainment. Always ensure to write what people want or need to read. If your writing falls into the realm of what people want to read, then you will be successful in writing. 


Learn online modules to create web strategies and the best online digital marketing strategies 


  1. Make it easily readable 

Avoid complex words and make it simple. In the online world, your writing should be at a 4th to 8th-grade level. There is no need to write a blog post as your essay for college. This may not help you get traffic or customers to your blog. 

It is better to cut out those big fancy words and use simple and effective words when you write. It's almost as if you write as you speak. 

In writing, there are generally three types of words: first, the words we know; Second, the words we need to know; Third, the word no one knows. Forget the third party and use the second party. Try to keep your language simple and to the point.

  1. Do not focus on word count 

When it comes to writing, the simpler you make it, the easier it is for the layman to understand. Make your point and move on. Do not focus on word count, your main goal should be that the reader can understand what you are saying and benefit from it. When you are writing for the web, you need to be simple and descriptive so that everyone can understand your voice. Do not use difficult words that require the reader to use a dictionary.

  1. Read more 

Reading is considered as the best way to improve your writing skills. If you read what you want to write about - niche writing, you will be a better writer overall. Well, you understand your niche well. Just read other bloggers, and writers, how they write, and how these writers use their words to write sentences for an online audience. All these things can help you improve your writing skills.

  1. Comment on good blogs

Try reading some freelance writing on blogging and get into how each blog is written, how they structure their sentences, and what language they use.  Leave your good comments that will improve your profile as well. 

  1. Research on topics 

Ensure to Google search for your topic. You can also use Q& platforms like Quora to see what people are frequently asking about your topic.

 You can find articles that may fall into the "need to read" category but are not necessarily popular or interesting for that kind of thing. Keyword research also helps you find the right words in titles and keywords. 

It also gives you advice on relevant topics. Look for keywords that have high traffic. Keep it relevant, but you can expand on those topics a bit if you see high interest in the phrase. Editing is about putting yourself in your readers' shoes.

8. Write short sentences and paragraphs 

Reading long paragraphs can be hard. Readers stay on the page if they find short paragraphs and lots of white space.

9. Words to avoid in your writing

Avoid using words like -

  • Therefore

  • You said that

  • So

10. Use humor and fun words

 Add your personality to your writing. Develop a style by using appropriate words of humor and fun words. 

11. Check the grammar 

Grammar determines the value of information. Don't make so many grammar mistakes in your content. 

12. Proof Read your content 

Read your article at least twice. You notice some mistakes at first glance. And another big mistake in the second reading. If possible, read it out loud. You can remove many errors from your post by correcting it. 

Typos, grammar, punctuation and replacing words are some of the editing works that you need to do.

 13. Research 

When you research, it improves the credibility of the article and adds value for the reader. Read more and use different sources to improve the quality of the information you include in your content. Giving readers something relevant and honest is the best way to maintain integrity as a writer. 

14. Do not miss SEO 

Search engine optimization includes many on-page and on-page features. It starts with the phrases people use in search engines. 

Understanding SEO as a writer is important to ensure your content is easy to find. Content writers must be able to keep up with the latest technology and adapt the process as necessary to ensure that the article is good for search engines. 

 15. Rank your content

Ranking your content in the top search results can increase its exposure. Check out useful articles and other high-quality articles in search engines to increase the value of your content. 

Writing the best content that will rank well in Google requires keyword research. Avoid repeating or exaggerating words. Keep your headline and title and make sure it reads well for your readers. 

A good keyword research process involves creating a list of the most important keywords based on what you know about the industry and searching for related search terms. You can also see your client's competitors and see how they rank for those keywords. Once you've completed these steps, you can use a tool like the Google AdWords Keyword Planner to narrow down your list. 

16. Sharing is caring 

A big part of SEO writing is encouraging others to share your work on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms, which will increase the authority of your content and improve its ranking in Google for the topics you choose. 

For this reason, any confident content writer should make sure they know the most popular social media sites. Everyone is willing to adopt new methods and technologies as they arise, so make sure you adapt to any changes. 

Whenever someone posts something on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, they want more people to click on it and read it. Is it good? 

Because they spent many hours writing your drawing. And social media is a good way to promote the project and attract people to it. For the success of any content, all social networks are different. 

They have different audiences with different interests. Always improve your writing for each social network. The thing is, they are not all the same. Twitter is like a noisy forum where everyone is talking at the same time and you're just managing a non-personal relationship.

 17. Write articles even if you don't know you need them. Practice will improve your writing skills. And when you see a great response to an article or blog, try to read what readers like. Then, you can start using these points in future topics. Maybe the practice isn't perfect, but it's still supportive. The more you write, the better your understanding will be.

 As a successful writer, here are some daily writing tips you can follow: 

18. Maintain a schedule: 

If you really want to be a great writer, writing time should be taken seriously, and the writing time is planned is the first step to get into the process.  Work on your first draft first and later you can edit and finish it.

19. Join Writing Groups

There are plenty of writing groups available on Facebook and LinkedIn. Joining these groups will connect you with other writers and expands your network.


20. Write 2000 words per day

Put effort to write 2000 words per day and this will be a good beginning for you.


These top 20 tips for your content writing career are very useful and you can follow these to achieve good results.




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