Why you need to do groundwork before writing an article

 Image result for the groundwork

 Writing an article? What are you planning to write? What notes have you prepared to include in your article? Some of these questions are discussed in my blog post.

Hundreds of articles are published every minute. What is the purpose of an article? It helps readers online. If your article is not able to give answers to the questions of audience, it will never bring only negative results.

In this blog post, I am going to discuss some valid points to help you in getting more traffic and customers.

- How to write an introduction to article

Articles are supposed to bring more views, impressions, comments, likes and shares and this exactly why you write. These results will win only when your article is able to solve problems and questions of audience. In this effort, introduction comes first.

Writing an interesting introduction will bring very big success and some times these are called as "viral"

Introduction should be help and inspire readers. This is why you need to outline as below:

- What type of article are you writing? How, Why, What, When, Where, Tips, Methods,
- Every type of article should have logic and interesting information
- Plan why you wish to write that article and how it will benefit your audience
- Prepare notes for yourself that it will certainly bring benefit to your readers
- Get some notes on why you plan to write only this specific article

Read : how to write article introduction

- Main discussion

The main body of your article relates to the success of your article. This is also an important area where you can display your talent, skill, knowledge and  give your authority to guide readers to solve their problems.

Article body must have the following:

-Discussion, arguments and facts

- Positive and negative points

- Guidance to make decisions

- Different tips, methods, techniques and ideas to help readers to know and understand the practical point of view

- Details, descriptions, and information

You can discuss every point in a paragraph and it can be between 5-10 lines. Give a name for sub-head. As you plan to offer different opinions to the readers, clear argument is necessary. Never give false or wrong guidelines.

- Examples / story / anecdote 

Your experience or the stories you have come across can be included in your article. This will inspire readers to follow the success stories.

Consider taking permission of influencers  who wish to share their experiences and permit you to add their story.

Every customer has definite needs and is always taking efforts to achieve goals. When they come across your article, they must find solutions and should be able to implement them successfully. In other words, you have inspired them to bring change in their lives.

- The benefits of links and sources in article


With content getting published online in a similar pattern, some blog posts / articles will never be able to generate any results like comments, likes or sharing. To avoid this, it is essential to keep a strong introduction line that invites the interest of visitors.

Recommended Reading:

How to get from $ 2per article to $1000 per article

How to write introduction for article

How to focus on needs and examples in article

Arundhathi enamela

Certified AI copywriter offering freelance copywriting services.

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