Eating Salt makes you feel hungry not thirsty: New study finds

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Eating too much of salt can raise the level of blood pressure causing health issues like - cardiac arrest and stroke.  According to American Heart Association (AHA), the maximum amount of added sugars you should eat in a day are: 

Men: 150 calories per day (37.5 grams or 9 teaspoons)
Women: 100 calories per day ( 25 grams or 6 teaspoons)

When it comes to salt consumption, AHA recommends that no more than 2,300 milligrams (0.46 teaspoons)a day and an ideal limit of not more than 1,500 milligrams (0.3 teaspoon) per day for men and women.

Cutting back salt or sodium not more than 2,400 milligrams a day (0.48 teaspoon) will significantly improve blood pressure and heart health.
The recent research study at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center in the U.S. and the Max-Delbrueck Center for Molecular Medicine in Germany found that eating salt does not make you thirsty - but it definitely makes you hungry.

During the research, scientists fed controlled high-salt diet for 205 days  to 10 healthy men and the men noticed drinking less and retaining more fluid within their bodies, although they were producing more urine in the long-term.
Alternatively, when the men were having food with higher salt levels, they began to feel more hungry.
The same test was done on mice and same results were achieved.
Researchers say that kidneys function like a “biological barrier designed for water conservation that is able to separate osmolytes from water to prevent dehydration while conducting osmolyte balance.”
According to the Helmholtz Association, osmolytes are a compound that binds to water and helps in transporting it.
In other words, salt prompts a mechanism to preserve water in the kidneys.
“[Urine] is not solely a waste product, as has been assumed,” Friedrich Luft, co-author of the study, says.
 “Instead, it turns out to be a very important osmolyte … Its function is to keep water in when our bodies get rid of salt. Nature has apparently found a way to conserve water that would otherwise be carried away into the urine by salt.”
Researchers added,  the body's fluid production does not decide the quantity of fluid it can consume as a liquid or in food. This occurs as the body uses the fluid to generate energy, which then produces carbon dioxide CO2 and water that the body is ready to release.
How salt has connection with space travel and Mars?

“A long space voyage conserving every drop of water might be crucial,” researchers stated in a statement. 

 “A connection between salt intake and drinking could affect your calculations – you wouldn’t want an interplanetary traveller to die because he liked an occasional pinch of salt on his food. The real interest in the simulation, however, was that it provided an environment in which every aspect of a person’s nutrition, water consumption and salt intake could be controlled and measured.”

For humans on earth, it could change the way scientists see the human body ad how it works.
“We now have to see this process as a concerted activity of the liver, muscle and kidney,” Jens Titze, study co-author  says.

“While we didn’t directly address blood pressure and other aspects of the cardiovascular system, it’s also clear that their functions are tightly connected to water homeostasis (maintaining a proper amount and balance of water) and energy metabolism.”
On the other side, several studies for many years warned against eating high amounts of salt.

A study in 2009 published in BMJ finds that a high salt intake is directly linked to stroke and cardiovasular disesase,

The World Health Organzation (WHO) recommends salt consumption to be limited to five grams (one teaspoon) a day. However, most people in Western countries have salt close to 10 grams of per day.

After verifying more than 13 published studies that included over 170,000 people, researchers found that a difference of five grams a day in salt intake increases 23 percent in the rate of stroke and 17 percent of increase in the rate of cardiovascular disease.

After looking over 13 published studies that included over 170,000 people, researchers found that a difference of five grams a day in salt intake is linked to a 23 per cent increase in the rate of stroke, and a 17 per cent increase in the rate of cardiovascular disease.

A study in 2015 by the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology reported a potential link between higher salt intake and the development of multiple sclerosis (MS).

Arundhathi enamela

Certified AI copywriter offering freelance copywriting services.

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