How Cytokinins Work for Preserving the Freshness of Vegetables?

Cytokinins (CK) belong to a segment of plant growth substances, also called as Pytohormones.

They promote cytokinesis, or cell division in plant roots.

What do they do?

Involved in many plant processes including cell division and root morphogenesis, they also regulate bud growth and other dominance.

Moving from roots to the shoots, it signals bud growth and this is evident in small experiments for the purpose of theory.

Further they slow down the process of aging among plants by preventing the breakdown of protein.

It further activates protein synthesis, and assembles nutrients from the tissues.

How it works in a eco-friendly way?

Fresh vegetables that require high shelf life need some preservative.

Green vegetables have some moisture and therefore prone to perishable nature.

Therefore, these vegetables are sprayed with a solution of cytokinin to preserve for longer time and also to enhance their shelf life.

With this application, marketed vegetables can stay fresh for many days as Cytokinins delay sensescence of leaves and mobilization of nutrients.

This plant hormone which is generally used for growth along with Auxin works for preserving the freshness of vegetables.

Thanks for reading.

Arundhathi enamela

Certified AI copywriter offering freelance copywriting services.


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