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What are your To-do-List Thoughts as a content marketer for 2021? Here are 10 Tips to work differently everyday


What excites you about this New Year 2021? You may be looking for something that is very interesting and that makes you happy. Do you love painting, crafting, writing, cooking or other activities?

Time flies quickly and as you witness it, the year 2020 has just gone by with pandemic and new year 2021 arrived. 

Time changes and heals everything as a quote says.

However, may have been year 2020, 2021 comes with bright prospects for you, especially if you are a writer, content marketer and digital marketer.

How to go about in this New Year for making an improvement in your career? 

The following are some of the best tips to guide you.

#1. Do Something New Everyday Online

With nearly 4.79 billion people accessing Internet, it is time that acquire the benefit of your audience who are missing  your presence and your ideas of content.

Take up something that's very creative and useful for your audience. As a content marketer, you can post a useful video, or publish good content or share a source that is completely unique and interesting for audience.

I'm sharing giant tortoise - Galapagos which is the well known animal that keeps growing until they are about 40-50 years old and can reach up to 500 pounds.  The Galapagos Giant Tortoise can grow up to 5 feet tall and it is the largest tortoise in the world.

#2. Learn a New Technique 

As you keep working on a busy schedule, you find very little time to catch up with the new updates happening online, especially in the world of content marketing. 

Get the latest updates by subscribing to the email newsletters of popular and in-famous content marketers already doing well online and you can read their writings.

There are excellent writing tips available for you to improve content marketing techniques and these are regularly updated by some of the best writers online. 

Read their articles, blogs and follow them on social media. 

#3. Make a difference

Content marketing is unique and it is an excellent way to communicate with your audience effectively and the more creative you are, the better are the results. 

Ensure to make a difference in each piece of your writing. To improve your quality of writing, read some of the best valid and leading sources in content and apply those quality skills in your writing.

Make your content uniquely interesting.

As a content marketer online, you work on web content, blog posts, infographic content, press release, white papers and much more. 

When you begin your writing, add a special note of capturing ideas to help audience enjoy the reading of your content.

Keep a goal for each piece of your content and create content writing towards that goal.

#4. Contribute in forums

Are you active in forums like Quora, Reddit, Facebook Groups and other affiliate communities? Spend your time in upvoting and commenting. 

It is definitely worth your time.

You'll be able to learn a lot and also give back your skill to the readers.

This way, you grow your presence online and you get identified to grow your reputation.

#5. Comment when you read

When you come across good articles, your time is worth reading. Because, you gain from reading and you also get to learn.

Some of the best sources of reading articles :

Like, share and comment articles and it will help you to grow your presence and even backlinks to your website.

#6. Share your works once a day 

Follow and practice sharing your works online. Especially on LinkedIn. As a professional content marketer, your writing can reach widely to your segment of audience and this is an assured to get recognized.

It also grows your community and offers good prospects. 

#7.  Practice writing everyday

Writing is like sweet sauce that you add to your platter. The more you add, the more you savor. Do not keep a limit  on word count. Write as much as you can and it keeps you fresh with ideas and they keep coming.

Never be disappointed in your writing practice. Remember that it is an investment and it is worth it.

#8. Follow your other passion

Sure, you have other passion like gardening, painting or cooking etc., Share that as well online. Your friends and family appreciate you for your works and it makes you more happy.

Do that regularly along side of your content marketing job.

It keeps you in high spirits and encourages you to put an extra load of hard work. 

#9. Follow News update

Local and global news are equally important and ensure to get quick update on news alerts. These can be from weather updates to local news and global news, these are very important for you. 

Select one or two good sources of news in your region and get quick updates.  Follow news headlines of global news as well.

#10. Watch inspiring videos on Facebook

In your spare time, what do you do? Watch a movie? On Facebook you come across videos that inspire you and make you happy, laugh and even get motivated.

Click to watch this video:


There you have # 10 quick tips to help you in the first quarter of January 2021. Surely, there will be new additional tips that will be coming up in the following days to help you guide you and keep you as a successful content marketer. 


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