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The Next Big Thing in Content Writing

You have seen all of 2020 and 2021, the growing influence of the internet space during the COVID-19 pandemic has boosted traditional content writing styles. 

As many companies are going online, this led to intense competition despite the vertical industry. This trend has pushed many businesses to embrace content marketing. Statistics also support this view. 

Take for example the 2021 study from the Content Marketing Institute. It showed that 43% of marketers saw their budget increase in their content marketing efforts. And 66% of consumers expect that spending will increase again. That's the feeling below as we prepare to say hello to 2022.


Major disruptions in consumer behavior have caused major changes in the content writing world as we know it. Let's take a look at the trends that will rule the world of content writing in 2022.

So far we have seen so much happening in the world of content, as content marketing is on the rise for every small and medium business, putting efforts to market and sell its products online.

A major upheaval in consumer behavior has brought about major changes in the content writing world as we know it.


Let's take a look at the trends that will rule the world of content writing in 2022. 

UpTrend #1 - Top Quality and relevance make content king 

Google ranks a page based on the user experience it provides. As part of its recent Core Web Vitals update, the search giant raised the bar for content writers. They can't post bad content and expect rankings to improve.


Google will keep content that shows E-A-T 


1 - Expertise - your content should show that you are an expert in the field. This will involve creating a piece of in-depth content that adds unique value to readers.


2 - Rights - Your content should be shown to you according to the company's rights. Use internal links on relevant topics, and semantic keywords and develop case studies.


3 – Credibility – Maintain a consistent voice and add valuable research reports to support the content. Also, you should aim to write well and concisely and tell a good story. These tips will help you build confidence. E-A-T-compliant content will be useful to Google bots.


UpTrend #2 - A greater level of self-regulation 

Today's savvy marketers won't settle for content that "goes out". A smart content writer will want to make individual links to each piece of content.


Even a recent Forrester report reflects this trend. It says that 92% of marketers have seen an increase in one-to-one sales. 

So 2022 will see more content like this being developed. Trend #3 - Content is becoming a niche for brands.

Most content resources posted online only cover a few select topics. This content density means that readers are looking for something refreshing instead. This is where niche content comes in.


  • Creating niche content depends on three important aspects – 


  • High quality products/services offered by this brand 

  • Well-defined content that provides an original twist on the story 

  • Using long tail keywords to target searchers with specific needs that a niche segment can meet.

  • They combine to provide niche content. 

These market stocks are usually the first (because no one has covered them). Such content is still fresh. This is because customers can read content that sellers will not cover elsewhere).

UpTrend #4 - Content diversity will increase 

One type of content will no longer hold the attention of the public. You will also need to optimize the content creation process. This way you cross blogs and articles into other types of content.


But it's not as complicated as it seems. All you have to do is select a blog, its topic, and its content to use in another form. So every point on the blog can be a slide show to upload to a slide-sharing platform like SlideShare. You can create a basic video on a topic and share it on Youtube, Vimeo, and Flickr.


So, even though the topic is the same, your coverage has expanded significantly. 


What does this mean for your content group? They will want to expand their capabilities to include different types of content. If they are already into blogging, they can hope to take it to the next level. Think of guest posts, videos, podcasts, and seminars.


It will also provide leads who indicate when the member is ready to move to the next level of status within the group.

Uptrend #5 – Focus on written content 

While videos and images are useful on Snapchat and Instagram, it is text content that will drive significant traction in SEO and content marketing campaigns. The primary benefit of content writing is that it can produce compelling, content-rich articles. 

Such high-quality content delights readers and prompts Google to update its rankings. Even the 2021 report of the Content Marketing Institute shows that blogs and articles under 3,000 words are trending content assets. 

Of course, it will be difficult to create high-quality, deep content that connects people to Google. We have a team of great content writers who create awesome, valuable content. 


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