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Showing posts with the label Article writing

How to plan and document your marketing strategy as a startup when your customers are price conscious?

Generally speaking you come across many comments of your customers whenever they see your products. Right? Why do you think customers do that? It's because customers have a regular practice to leave reviews, feedback, comment,  likes, dislikes and much more. It is customer behavior and customer psychology.  Especially with access to mobile device, product ads have become much more accessible.  Let's first check what are the factors that a customer considers when viewing a product. - Appearance  - Appeal - Built - Shape, style and frame - Functioning - Advantages - Disadvantages  - Pricing - Long term or short term usability  - Thinking over to buy or not to buy Though the purchasing power parity is great in India, sometimes you will notice that some of them are price conscious. This means - Value for money is what they look for. Or it could be that they would like to save more and spend less. In this process how a startup can plan its marketing strategy? Some of the tips are: -

10 # Feel-good Facial Care Tips for Every Day Routine

You deserve to look the best each time when you are with your friends, family, attending parties and in your college or office. How to look great? Do you need expensive clothing or jewelry or any other?  Surprisingly,  the answer is very simple.  As an old adage quote says - beauty is  skin deep.  Its meaning - though you look beautiful outside, your character which is your inside attribute makes you look more attractive. When you look great, you feel confident about yourself and others adore you as well.  There are many make up secrets to share with you, but there are 10# tips to put make up are discussed in this blog post with you, like : - What exactly is beauty care? - What's like taking care every day? - How to treat acne? - Change your pillowcase every week - Are you doing your make up the right way? - How to pick facial cosmetics? - How to understand about eye make up? - What color of lipstick to wear? - How to choose your perfume? - Final check What exactly is beauty care?

Knee care guide for 50+ (Special Focus on Massage oils)

Knee pain sometimes becomes unbearable and you look for several external and internal home remedies for quick relief. Did you ever try finding out how and why it occurs?  Have you consulted an Ortho physician? True that nagging pain and discomfort in walking can cause you a lot of stress. But no worries, over a period 60-90 days, you will soon begin to feel normal based on the identification of causes, when it occurs due to excessive physical work and activities.  Specifically in this blog post, I'm going to discuss some of the best clinically tested, herbal-based, Indian-spice based massage oil that has natural healing properties. Over a period of time,  you will find complete relief.   Oil massage creates lubrication between cartilage and synovium preventing the joints rubbing together. Due to increasing age, wear and tear can occur for your cartilage.  But essential oils prove a lot of help. Later in the, you can read more about the essential oils. But now, read along

Five Simple Tips to Publish Articles from Today

Content writing is a skill. You can develop it by regular practice. A career online can be easily made if you are writing and publishing regularly. Internet has brought in many new areas for skilled writers. You can gain expertise in one or more in the following areas. A.  Article writing B. Blogging C.  Social media Post writing D. Email Marketing writing E. Press Release writing F. Search  Engine Optimization writing G. Ebooks writing H. WhitePapers writing I. Business Propposal writing J. News article writing K. Inbound Marketing L. Content Marketing There is no end to this field. With massive continuous growth in websites, article writing is greatly in demand. Articles have to be written in an interesting manner. Not only, you should hold the attention of readers, but also impart more informative content. Where can you start learning on how to write? 1. Create a blog and start publishing.  Your preparation matters most to the su