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Do you think Barley Water and Millet Porridge can help you look thinner? Find out how?

You love to look thin because that's what makes you feel comfortable.  Did you know there are also tips and dress style techniques used that can instantly make you look thinner? That's a tiny fact. What other things do you do to look thin?  Probably a change in your diet or perform exercise daily and practice yoga. Well, these are all part of your daily program and that is excellent. Let's discuss about two main items here: Ragi Malt or Millet Ragi Malt or Millet Porridge Can you look thin if you take Ragi malt for breakfast? You already know about the suoerfood  Porridge Can you look thin if you take Ragi malt for breakfast? You already know about the suoerfood grain that has gained excellent source of: - B Vitamin - Niacin  - B6 - Folic acid Health Benefits - Ragi has anti diabetic, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. - Offers protection against tumors and athersclerosis. (Cholesterol plaque build up in the walls of arteries) - Rich in calcium - Rich in fiber and an

How to know more about unsafe food colors used in Biryani? Are they good?

Orange, red, lemon yellow are some of the permitted colors used in Biryani. People love the taste. Right? But how do we know whether these are safe to use? Though they say the food colors have been in use for a long time and these are permitted besides being absolutely safe, how do we understand the entire theory and concept behind its addition in Biryani. Particularly when this is one of the most favorite delicacies of India cherished by foreigners as well. To understand this in detail, let's first examine what's available in food color and how these are made? FSSAI regulations (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Regulations 2011, says no colors can be added to the food other than those permitted in the regulations. FSSAI allows colors as an additive in - - Icecream and dairy products - Candies,  sweets, biscuits, cakes and confectionery  - Jellies, jam, juice - non-alcoholic and non-carbonated drinks Sythetic colors can have a maximum limit of 100 parts in the final

How to plan and document your marketing strategy as a startup when your customers are price conscious?

Generally speaking you come across many comments of your customers whenever they see your products. Right? Why do you think customers do that? It's because customers have a regular practice to leave reviews, feedback, comment,  likes, dislikes and much more. It is customer behavior and customer psychology.  Especially with access to mobile device, product ads have become much more accessible.  Let's first check what are the factors that a customer considers when viewing a product. - Appearance  - Appeal - Built - Shape, style and frame - Functioning - Advantages - Disadvantages  - Pricing - Long term or short term usability  - Thinking over to buy or not to buy Though the purchasing power parity is great in India, sometimes you will notice that some of them are price conscious. This means - Value for money is what they look for. Or it could be that they would like to save more and spend less. In this process how a startup can plan its marketing strategy? Some of the tips are: -

Do you have these in your Facebook posts? (Infographic)

At the end of the day, you want traffic from your Facebook posts. Right? You are more than successful if you have these tips in your daily posts. Wasting your time that does not get any clicks can ask you to redo the entire process. Facebook works in a certain fashion and if you can understand its function, you can surely achieve success. One of the main questions you may have is - what time shall I post so that my audience can visit my business page? Last year in 2019, Facebook changed its algorithm to News Feed - to top up "meaningful interactions" from family and friends in respect of content from brands. Since then publishers have found it quite a challenging task to organically boost posts. At this time, posting on the right time comes as a major requirement. So what is the perfect time to add a new post to your Business Page? Here's what I have for you: B2B Brands Between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m EST on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. Even if you are residing in other time

How to Understand the Workflow of Programmatic Buying (15 slides)

How to Understand Programmatic Buying (17 slides)

Content Road-Map

Writing content is an everyday job for content writers. Not just one type of content. You may have to keep shifting from web content to blog post, then a press release, a white paper and an ebook or some other. How would you map your content? Here's an expert Infographic from expert - Ann Handley. From Visually .