How to get paid from $2 per article to $1000 per article

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Since article writing has been the most perfect source for part-time / full-time income, many aspire to be a successful article writer online. With over flowing content on website, blogs and magazines, there is a good opportunity to submit articles to editors and get published. There are many magazines and website that fully rely and search for freelance writers.

But, here is a question, how to be a highly-paid article writer?

It is true, that you start off as a writer to get paid at $ 2.00 per article or may be $ 5.00, but as your writing experience expands, you can work for large companies that publish your works and pay you between $ 100 - $ 1000 per article.

How to reach there and what are the requirements is discussed in this blog post to make you as an effective and highly paid article writer.

 Know thoroughly about your writing skills

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It is said "self-help is the best help." You know about your writing more than anyone else. From the moment you introduced your writing career online, you know your portfolio. Get a checklist of the following points.

- How many clients contacted you for their writing requirements

- How many topics did you write

- How many were accepted

- How many were rejected

- How many words did you write everyday on your blog

- What was the percentage of your original work when checked for plagiarism

- How many clients gave their positive/constructive/negative feedback about your work

- How many clients came back for your work

- How often you are contact for work by clients

- How many hours are you working everyday for writing online

 Your own analysis and answering the above checklist will give you, where you are lacking. There is no need to worry, as you have analyzed your lacking areas and will make a progress one step at a time and this will bring a positive impact on your career.

To be able to earn more and get more work, you need the following:

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- Excellent grammar in English language

- Skills to research online

- Accurate sentence framing

-  Supply appropriate content

Whether native or non-native speaker, English writing is a skill that comes by a lot of practice. Because, Internet writing requires quick and easy convey of knowledge and organized information.

To be able to write informative content, you should be able to frame sentences accurately. While some websites accept the "first person", others may not and keeping in view of this fact, make a note of business writing and commercial writing.

Your work may get rejected due to the following complaints

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- Improper use of words and sentences

- Errors in grammar

- Incomplete information

The final conclusion is accept rejections, but know that you have got one more opportunity to improve your writing. Read 10 big mistakes you might be making in your freelancing career

How to improve your writing


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As a freelance writer, your business is writing and to be a successful and profitable career, you need exceptional writing skills. Make sure to edit your work before forwarding it to your client. Read 5 Ninja self-editing tips to you from rejection to sale


Many have already achieved a six-figure income and you too can, but all that you need is dedication to write quality content and ability to generate inquiries from clients to give you work.

Recommended Reading:

8 reasons I rejected your article

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Website alpha content writing

Arundhathi enamela

Certified AI copywriter offering freelance copywriting services.


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