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12 Digital Marketing Skills You Need to Get You Placement

The buzz of digital marketing has been around for sometime now, but now its catching up with superpowered Artificial Intelligence and incredibly strong algorithms.

For the first time reader, the term digital marketing may be new and difficult to follow.

Simply explaining - Digital marketing is all about how you promote, advertise, market, brand, sell and reach your audience.

Its not a rocket science or a Herculean task, but can be done so easily and quickly for long-term positive results.

To make an entry into the digital marketing career, you need a set of skills and potential technical skill set in several areas of online marketing.

What are they?

1. Planning and execution of strategies

A strategy is about how to do  specific set of task from the perspective of marketing.

It could be an innovative idea, proven-method or planning based on market data.

This set of strategy is properly targeted towards the successful achievement of results.

This is followed by execution of strategies which also requires a methodical and systematic approach to prevent any failure of a system.

Requisite Learning : Strategy planning and execution

2. Google ads 

Highly reliable and known as most popular business growth medium, Googl3 advertising is a  bit tricky with high-end techniques in preparing the text, content and keywords.

You need to pass Google ad certification exam or do a third party Google ad course learning.

This is really a fetching program.

With the concept of Mobile-first, Google considers mobile advertising as a top notch requirement for every business.

Requisite Learning: Google ads

3. Pay Per Click

The stats of search on Google:

Searches per second : 63,000

Searches per minute: 3.8 million

Searches per hour: 228 million

Searches per day: 5.5 billion

Searches per month: 167 billion

Searches per year: 2 trillion

PPC extends to Display Networks and helps advertise on different websites, apps and single-user interface.

Google's display network is vast and reaches nearly  90% of all Internet users.

There's also personlized ads and targeting.

Requisite Learning: Pay Per Click

4. Search Engine Marketing

The goal of a marketer and search engine are not the same. But thy are required to align with the searcher to become business customer.

- Search ads are relevant only when user is actively looking for some information.

- Advertisements become more important when the user is seeking information.

Requisite Learning: Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

5. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is the most prominent field and search engine highly regards SEO optimized content for top search engine ranking. It provides   a better user experience,  imcreased return on investments and consistent quality of traffic.

There are three major components in SEO:

- Users

- Search engines

- Search Engine Optimizers

The search eco system is driven by :

 - Search engines acquire users and paid ads for profits

- Users gain information

- SEOs provide relevant information and gain user traffic.

SEO is popularly used by small medium business,  agencies,  enterprise and independent SEO.

Requisite Learning: Search Engine Optimization

6. Lead Team

It is likely that there's going to be a content strategy, content marketing, SEO, PPC, SEM, analytics and many more teams to manage various functions.

As a digital marketing expert, you need to capably manage entire team and ensure speedy delivery of results.

Team management is yet another important  skill for your success.

You also need proposals, planning and execution to coordinate with the teams.

Targets and achievement of goals always remains as a major challenge. You should be train and mentor teams towards achievement of goals.

Requisite Learning: Team management

7. Digital functions

The concept of 5Ws and 1H - Who, What, When, Why, Where and How are essential to work with some of the major areas in digital  marketing.

You need excellent working knowledge in the following areas:

- Search Engine Optimization
- Content Marketing
- Social Media Marketing
- Pay Per Click (PPC)
- Affiliate Marketing
- Native Advertising
- Marketing Automation
- Email Marketing
- Online PR
- Inbound Marketing
- Sponsored Content

Requisite Learning: Digital Functions

8. Marketing skills

Marketing online comes in different forms and ways.

Specific strategies are ideally set forth for specific marketing channels.

For example - Content marketing requires content types, formats and various innovative ideas for each segment.

Blogs - Websites - Emails - Press Release - Freebies etc.

The primary core goal of each marketing segment is to achieve success through the implementation  of various strategies.

Therefore, the objectives and goals in marketing should be clearly  laid out.

Requisite Learning : Marketing

9. Budget Management

Budget for marketing can be variant depends on the volume of a business.

Small budget or a vast budget allocation, a moderate usage and maximum profit yield results must be followed.

In order to achieve,  it is important to have skills like - short term and long term gains, Return on Investment  and cost effective mediums.

Requisite  Learning: Budget Management

10. Social Media

Social media is an authoritative source for branding, driving traffic, generate leads and SEO.

As there are multiple social media platforms like -

- Facebook

- Twitter

- LinkedIn

- Instagram

- Snapchat

Each social media channel works differently and it requires a particular marketing strategy  for each business.

Therefore having vast knowledge about KPIs, metrics and attributing factors can derive maximum benefits.

Requisite Learning: Social media

11. Website Analytics

The performance of a website highly depends on how well the SEO has been implemented,  the content and how effectively the markting is being done.

The website analytics can track and measure all such important information  like - sales, conversions,  clicks, page views and much more.

Based on the results provided, improvements can be recommended.

Requisite Learning: Website Analytics

12.Best Practices

What are the best practices in digital marketing and how these are fundamentally applied to every business?

While there are other malware practices in use for rapid approach results, these are likely to invite penalties particularly if they are violating GDPR regulations.

Best practices include - properly documented content marketing strategy,  content strategy,  social media and video marketing.


With the expanding scope available in every niche of business exclusively happening in small business sector, digital marketing specialists have maximum opportunity to collaborate and work with B2B and B2C businesses.

Having certified skills can prove a valuable asset for a rewarding career.


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