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Are you using social media for your business in this Pandemic Period? (Find 10 additonal marketing tips)


Its been so long since I published a new post. Just got little busier in this lock down period. There were so many interesting topics that I may have missed to write about. But I wish I could write more and publish more.

Especially, if you are working as a marketer online, you have to be good at planning your content marketing and this is really important.

- How can you develop new content plan and work on it?

- What are the trending topics that you can discuss with audience?

- If you have a small business online, how would you bring about new methods of marketing online and try to sell your products? 

- How would you plan your marketing budget if you are using one or social media platforms?

Let's find out more about writing and using social media platforms for your success in marketing your business online.

There are 4.57 Billion Internet users. 

Mobile phone users increased by 128 million over the last 12 months.

Let's first see how audience are spending time on social media.

According to Statista 40% of people spend more time on social media and messaging platforms. 

Ober 50% of respondents (Statista) from all countries also stated that more time was being spent on watching news coverage.

During pandemic in Australia and United States 42% and 43% watched news more actively.

While only 14% of global population read newspapers Australia has the least reading of newspapers.

Italy being one of the worst-hit countries by the pandemic 60% of (Statista ) people were spending more time on messaging services. 

In Japan, only 8% of (Statista) of respondents spent more time on social media.

Audience from China and Philippines kept themselves entertained with music streaming services. 

Whatsapp usage increased by 51% as people across the globe have self-isolated themselves, and they have been using video calling to overcome the aspects of loneliness and stay connected to their friends and dearones.

When it comes to Facebook - private messaging and video calling are the two segments which have witnessed an upsurge in usage.

However it is noticed that Facebook has also been adversely affected by the pandemic.

During the pandemic Twitter is used by world leaders - Donald Trump  Justin Trudeau have bien  en spreading awareness about Covid-19.

However, Twitter's CFO stated that the global advertising revenue has been impacted due to Coronavirus.

What about the news updates about Covid-19?

Which news source is reliable? 

This is also a big question.

Especially in respect of vaccine, audience trust the news published on social media, but they also feel that social media news exaggerates the risks of the virus more than traditional print media.

So, during this pandemic period, you would now be wondering how to go about your content marketing.

There are definitely certain strategies, tips and techniques you can apply to make everything work and applying these can fetch you good results.

First, let's find out, what's happening online.

Social Media Today reports:

44% increase in searches for leisure activities 

70% increase in searches for fitness equipment

19% increase in searches related to hobbies

520% increase in searches for video conferencing and other online software tools.

As audience search for many different ways to meet their needs, your business can definitely use this opportunity to connect with audience.

The following are some of the suggested methods to perform well in pandemic period to grow sales, marketing and boost your business.

1. Make new connections

Do you make new connections? Well, one of the ways to make new connection is to connect with those who comment or like and exchange an idea with them.

Progessional connections actually work and help in growing your business online.

2. Expand Network

Expanding network gives you a great choice to go ahead and share your marketing strategies with your connections.

The more network you have, the better for you.

Use social media to expand your network. Use LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and make follow connections.  

Share thoughts, ideas and content.

3. Build e-commerce functionality 

Pick an e-commerce functionality that can easily be added to your website that can automate sales.

This means traffic on your website shop and buy your products.

Ensure that the products are easily facilitated for quick purchase. 

4. Feature virtual appointment 

Virtual appointment introduces you to meet new clients, exchange online conversations and communicate new strategies.

This is the most easy and effective way to meet new customers and even introduce marketing models.

5. Offer Webinars

Webinars are a good source to interact, market,advertise and promote your products.  Attending webinars creates a convenience for audience from the comfort of their home.

6. Online chat tool

Arranging online chat tool on your website enables traffic to chat and seek support. This also enables better scope for sales.

7. FAQ on site

Frequently asked questions (Faq) is one of the ways to enable website traffic to seek immediate answers to their questions and make decisions. Develop as many questions from the perspective of audience and provide best content in the form of answers.

8. Build compelling content

The lockdown period is quite distressing which is why you are required to develop most interesting content for your audience who find it relevant and informative apart from being useful.

Preferably publish long form content.

9. Build customer relationships

Getting connected to customers is another way to stay active in your business. Communicate via email,  social media and online, exchange a formal conversation and maintain a cordial tone. 

10. Outsourcing 

Do you have outsourcing needs? Now is the best time to do it as pandemic gives you access to meet outsourcing skill online and you will be able to derive best services.


With good marketing plan, you can still do it well and maximize the available resources and opportunities and in this process  pandemic period would pass on without causing a halt to your business.


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