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23 Areas Giving Scope for Best Results of on-page optimization as part of Search Engine Optimization to get Indexed


1. Title Tag

Title tag is a small piece of HTML code located in the <head> element. 

It informs the users of both search and search engines what the topic is on your webpage while describing the content on the page.

This is the most important on-page SEO factor.

2. Meta Tag Optimization

Meta tag optimization is another important aspects of SEO and this is done with selected keywords for higher search engine ranking. 

This is also done at the html code which is to add keywords and you can add upto  30 to 40 unique words along with meta description and the content has to be accurate and keyword rich description of what the content is about briefly.

3. H1 H2 Tags 

The purpose of H1 and H2 heading tags is to enable reader-friendly content and this helps the reader to follow the flow of the article and understand it better. 

H1 Tag is for the Headline of the post and it is followed by text
H2 Tag is for the subheading.

H1 and H2 heading tags will be the main points of your webpage and these are the first things that users will notice about your page which is why they have to be appropriate.

4. Call To Action

This is a marketing term that enables audience to make a decision at the end of their browsing a particular website or webpage. 

5. User Experience

User experience or UX is a visitor's connected emotions, behavior or decisions while interacting with a product, system or service. It can be practical, affective, meaningful and some of the valuable aspects of interactions. It includes ease of use, efficiency and utility. 

6. Social Proof

This is also referred as informational social influence and describes a psychological and social aspects where people copy the actions of others in an effort to undertake behavior in a specific situation.

7. Internal Linking 

First identify your site's hub pages and with the help of anchor text, link these topic clusters to the page content.  This is a powerful strategy as search engine helps in higher ranking with internal linking. 

8. External Outbound Linking

Link external sources to your present content and these can be from authoritative sites. Ensure to make it limited as too many sources while linking them to your content. However, at the end of your page content, you can always quote as many links as you can in the references section and these would increase the effectiveness of your content.

9. Keyword Analysis and Optimization

This is an important aspect of SEO and you know how well these have to be organized in your content. From the selection of keywords to its analysis, volume check, competition and all of its analysis can be done in detail and some of the best keyword tools are - 

- Answer the public : This is a great tool for commercial blogging and for generating traffic to your blog.
- Keywords everywhere: This is an efficient keyword analysis and management tool 
-  Google analytics : This is a great tool to monitor traffic, audience, content and monetization of your website.
- XML sitemaps : XML sitemaps allow you to guide search engine crawlers to crawl and index your website. It gives a roadmap for search engines to browse through the website.

10. External Outbound Linking 

Outbound links point from your site to another site. These are used as reference articles, share information from other sites, link to social media profiles etc.

11. URL Optimization

URL optimization favors navigation, structure the website and enables search bots to crawl your website while helping users to find what they want.

12. Image Optimization

Compress the image between 0-99 and resize the image with new margins and optimize the photo.

13. Content Optimization

You know how important content optimization is and it begins with SEO following few important steps that include:

- Authority
- Engagement
- Readability
- Social Proof
- Conversion

To achieve best results from content optimization you are required to develop best content topic, create most attractive content, optimize content for SEO, optimize content for authority, optimize content for engagement, optimize content for readability, social proof and finally conversion.

14. OG Tags

OG:description tag is same as meta description in the HTML code of a website. It will appear below the link title on Facebook. It is for the purpose to attract potential visitors to help get interested in visiting the website. 

15. Canonical Tag

A canonical tag is a tiny snippet of HTML code that defines the main version of content appearing in different URLs and you can select these canonical tags to specify which version is the main one and accordingly it can be indexed.

16. 301 Redirects

A 301 redirect indicates the permanent moving of a webpage from one location to another and 301 part refers to the HTTP status code of the redirected page. For example - 301 redirects and tells the browser, this page has moved permanently.

17. SEO Friendly URLs

URLs must match with page titles. This can create consistency between URL reading and your page title as this will boost ranking.

URLs must appeal to both search engine and its users.

It is good to avoid punctuation like unnecessary characters and stop words etc.,

Use hyphens so that they break the descriptive words within URL to improve readability users and search engines.

18. Landing Page Optimization

LPO or Landing page optimization is the process of improving elements on a website to increase conversions and this is a subset of conversion rate optimization (CRO) that involves methods of A/B testing that improves the conversion goals of a landing page. This is very important for online business to generate traffic, clicks, lead generation, sales etc.,

19. Structured data implementation & Testing

Structured Data Testing tool is a simple data testing tool. It is easy to paste your website's URL. The tool will check the structured data code and verify errors. This tool will also help in detecting whether the structured data code is in the right format or not.

20. Responsive across various devices

Responsive web design is an approach to web design that makes web pages work on a variety of devices and window or screen sizes.  Content, design and performance are necessary across all devices to check the usability and satisfaction.

21. Sitemap.xml 

Sitemap is a XML file holds complete list of page URLs and it's primary purpose is to inform search engines about pages on your sites available for crawling and they are for the benefits of Google or search engine crawlers. 

22. Robot.txt file

A robots.txt file informs web robots or crawlers about the pages not to crawl and as owner, you select files on your domain. Bots visit your website and then index your web pages before listing them on search engine result pages.

23. .htaccess file 

.htaccess file is a hypertext access directory -level configuration file supported by many web servers, mainly used for configuration of website, -access requirements such as URL redirection, URL shortner, access control and more. 


All of these points give a detailed description as to how you can successfully and completely carryout the on-page optimization that gets your webpage ranked for best results derived from search engine. 


  1. An excellent tool for keeping readers current on important topics and trends is john.rumpel. The website covers several topics.


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