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Showing posts from November, 2020

What is Mobile Marketing? and Why Care?

Mobile Technology is splendidly designed. Imagine that a smartly hand-held device is able to take care of your multi-task requirements of communication, conversation, Internet browsing,  online shopping and so much more.  You will surely agree to the fact that if there's something that's been staggeringly successful in this technology era, it is definitely smartphone. From communication to entertainment and high usability, it is your smartphone that is part of your lifestyle now and it is also a device that is revenue generating device.  As of 2020, there are 4.78 Billion smartphone users globally and that is nearly 61.28% of world's population owning a smartphone.  It is also expected that by 2025, mobile device users would increase from 5.17 billion to 7.33 billion.  Now you know how the concept of mobile-first has gained excellent recognition and significance. As the world of business emerges to a new level of Internet technology, there are many marketing strategies that

How to Understand your Buyer's Behavior?

  What exactly is buying behavior? It is the study of behavior of individuals, group or organizations and how they interact with products, services and content online that makes an impact on their buying decisions. A view on consumer behavior  The emphasis on marketing is always to ensure that they target their consumers and understanding their buying patterns. Every business thrives on customer purchases which is why it is important to understand your customer and study the pattern of his buying behavior. In this process, getting a whole view of your consumer becomes a bigger picture and it further takes effort on your part to define characteristics, importance, forms, factors, process and other details. Questions such as -  - What are the needs? - What motivates buying decisions? - Necessities, requirements, wants, how consumer looks at it? - Many other factors are considered When you consider the factors of a buyer, you market your business in the interest or in identifying the prob

If you eat only fish meat and guava which are vitamins you are getting from these food items

Some types of fish has Vitamin A which is health for your eyes, skin, teeth and bones. Fish carries three main vitamins that include B-6, B-12 and niacin which help the body to support a healthy nervous system. Fish like Halibut, swordfish, herring, pollack and haddock provide excellent vitamins.  Vitamin D helps body in absorbing calcium and many types of fish are good sources.  A good dose of Vitamin E, an antioxidant that helps in protecting your cells from damage is available in many types of fish.  Fish is  one of the healthiest foods and it has high protein and vitamin D.  Fish is also a great source of omega-fatty acids which is excellent for your body and brain. Filled with high-quality protein, iodine and various vitamins and minerals, fish has excellent health benefits. Among fatty species, fish is the healthiest including salmon, trout, sardines, tuna and mackerel are higher in fat based nutrients.  This includes vitamin D, fat-soluble nutrient that many lack and it is impor

How to perform content marketing for your startup business? (Focus on digital marketing techniques)

Have you been getting updated about digital marketing techniques as a digital marketer? As a digital marketer, it has always your effort to keep working on improvement and finding out best digital strategies for your clients for best profitable achievements.  What are those areas that you would focus on to innovatively and methodically give an integrated approach? What is digital strategy? There are many definitions, descriptions and explanations given to digital strategy. But let's just take one and get a view of how it benefits businesses. To explain briefly, digital strategy is a plan of action designed to achieve business goals through the implementation of digital initiatives.  Before you undertake plan of action, ask questions that provide every piece of information about digital strategy and this can be about business, products, goals, marketing methods, plans and more about customer experience and personalization.  There are numerous ways in which you can work on digital ma