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Top Six SEO Writing Tips for Helping Your Target Audience to Find Your Website

Simply stating, SEO or search engine optimization is useful for your business. How? Because it helps you get listed in top search engine results and directs the traffic to your website. New customers are able to find your business. So, lead generation is one of the finest benefits of SEO. 1. How to begin working on it? Get a plan on what you want to sell to your customers? How would you solve and serve the needs of customers? How best is your product as compared to your competitors? Basing on these questions, prepare an excel sheet that answers all of the questions from the view point of customer. 2. Selection of SEO keywords There are hundreds and thousands of keywords available on keyword research tools. Honestly, you cannot choose all. But you can only select most relevant and work-able keywords to use in SEO. Example : How to care for your pet? keywords : pet care supplies : pet medicines : pet bedding : pet food If your business is about pet care supplies, sele

How to Understand the Pillars of Content Marketing? (Slides)

How to Write Content for Content Marketing of Your Startup?

Effectively understanding content marketing in 2019

  via GIPHY To talk about advertising and marketing of your small business, you need to develop a content marketing strategy. To first understand how content marketing works - it is important to know how to collect data and information about your business and from other sources to enable for developing a specific process to organize data. The information that you need to acquire: Identify your business as B2B (Business-to-Business) or (Business-to-Customer) B2C The main features of your products The advantages and usability Why your product is the best for your customers The SEO keywords campaign The SEO keyword selection For example you own a greeting card business. How would you perform online marketing? Find Buyer Persona here: First you need a content strategy that comes first before the content marketing. What is content strategy? Content strategy is about creating a plan to set goals and tasks that

Five New Digital Marketing Areas to Build Your Profits in Business

Delving deeper into digital marketing is in the right hour is just as equally important as having your daily coffee. I say this because, just as we start fresh with a cup of morning coffee, digital marketing for your product is essentially a good beginning to find your audience. So, where exactly do you start your digital marketing? Is it with web content or press release? However, you start, it depends on your goals. What are your primary and secondary goal? Depending on these, you should start documenting your strategy plan with research. Research is all about, checking competitors local and global depending on the type of business you have, target audience, buyer personas, customer journey, user journey and the benefits your product is delivering. Mistakes in the preparation of content can negatively affect your business apart from not producing any results. Marketer mistakes as discussed in torque mag article  that says, duplicate or excess

How Content Planning with Buyer Persona is Essential for Your Business?

via GIPHY There are many new startups still upcoming in planning. To make it work successfully to advertise and market products, content planning has its first place. Because, it has proved as a valuable source for many established businesses and some even found its way to becoming a giant business. Where do you start content planning? Content planning includes from a social media post to a long-form article on blog. Having a business blog is the most common way of successfully reaching your audience. The visitors find blog posts as most interesting and they even bookmark it for reference. Having a blog on your website is the first step in content planning. After setting it up, you need to consistently publish blog articles updating your first time visitors and customers to get latest updates about your products, news and interesting information. How Social Media Channels Can Promote Your Business? If you have noticed closely, you find audience are more interest