Work-in-Progress ahead for Google Pixel 2

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Google has always released a phone with a bigger screen prior to the Google Nexus 6P. Users have seen it occurring in Nexus 6, Nexus 5 and Nexus 4, but now its slightly different with the Nexus 6P.  The latest Pixel XL has a 5.5-inch screen, the Nexus 6P has a 5.7-inch panel while the Nexus 6 has a bigger 5.96-inch screen. It is also stated that the Google Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL are being with the code names Muskie and Walleye. 

With the release of the first Android O developer preview, Google is expected to release four different developer preview builds of Android O before the official release is announced later this year.  Chainfire, XDA Senior Moderator and Recognized Developer, announced that he started working on gaining root access to Android O DPI quickly. Within 24 hours of release, Chainfire announced that he was able to gain root access to Android O, and said there were some bugs to resolve before any release is done. 

The preliminary work-in-progress root solution for both the Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P was released recently. It is an alpha build of SuperSU V2.79 SR4 and this means you may encounter some bugs, as few changes were made in order to keep the working going on. 

For instance, Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P are having an issue from a kernel panic if Super SU's daemon loads at early boot. To get access to this, as the origin of the kernel panic is not known at this time, exec mode is skipped and the service launch is held-back on Android O DP1.

Some users were running into a bootloop with this version and there's a second test version that delays the service launch. Chainfire was not able to test this on the Pixel C or the Nexus Player, so the mileage may differ on those two devices. The Pixel and Pixel XL are stated having issues with this alpha build of SuperSU due to the A/B partition layout. Debugging is a time-consuming process, yet Chainfire hasn't ruled it out.

Delayed upgrades may indicate signs that a smartphone will be discontinued soon and this may be the case of Nexus 6P that is rumored to be retiring soon. With respect to that, Google is reportedly starting the architecture the public image of Pixel 2 to clear everything before its official launch.

Arundhathi enamela

Certified AI copywriter offering freelance copywriting services.

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