How to Know More About SAU in Digital Marketing?

Digitalsau   is an online digital marketing learning program offered by a digital marketing expert.

Based in the city of Ambala, in the State of Haryana, located on the border of Punjab, India.

The meaning of Sau

The word "Sau" refers to a Punjabi language word (region language spoken in the State of Punjab, Haryana and which means a 100.

So, in reference to Digital Sau - Digital 100.

Why digital marketing?

For every small business to reach a segment of online audience, a thorough knowledge of digital marketing  is necessary.

Because, the definition says:

" Digital marketing is the marketing of products or services using digital technologies on the Internet, through mobile phones, apps, display advertising, and any other digital mediums."

With access to Internet on phones and laptops, more and more users are now getting online browsing for their interests.

Whereas marketing is all about connecting with your audience in the right place and at the right time, Internet is one medium to find targeted audience.

The significance of Digital Sau offering online course helps learners to attain digital marketing skills.

As there's a rise in demand for experts and professionals, digital Sau drives the learning modules in multiple areas to acquire practical learning.

Advantages and Benefits

With 50+ modules,100% live project training and 150+ case studies, you will get maximum exposure to the learning and gain expertise in several subject areas.

The growth in job demand for digital marketers is expected to rise in 2020 and you can take the full potential of these benefits to get a good job.

There's likely to be 20 lakh jobs this year in this field.

What are you going to learn in Digital Sau?

DigitalSau prepares you to become Google certified digital marketer and the process of learning offers many major benefits that include:

- 50+ modules that deliver a whole set of digital marketing skills

- 100% live project training that fetches you a complete online experience to handle and manage real-time projects

- 100% job oriented learning prepares you to get fully equipped with your skills

- 16 certifications bring you wide knowledgebase

- 20 live projects give you vast knowledge to work efficiently

- Limited batch to get complete learning support

and much more free sources.

- One month Internship that qualifies you to apply for jobs

- Free premium WordPress Plugin

- Free WordPress theme

- Domain and hosting free

Why should you choose digital marketing career?

A career in digital marketing is not only attractive and in-demand, but also because, it is a long-standing career.

You need not change careers any more, but continue to grow in this field steadily.

Closely associated and Integrated with AI, NLP, ML and software solutions like CRM and ERP, ecommerce, you have a great opportunity opening up for you once you get certified.

Also, you get updated with the latest trends happening in the market.

Currently, there are either very few or less number of digital marketers in India which is why this career is indicating the signs of growth in job market.

The course doesn't just cover SEO and content writing, but much more in detail about social media, search engine, video and content marketing works to optimize maximum results.


DigitalSau or Digital 100 is one of the best and reliable source to pursue digital marketing certification and get placed successfully.

Thanks for reading.

Arundhathi enamela

Certified AI copywriter offering freelance copywriting services.


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