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10 Effective Tips for content writers in 2022 and Beyond

  Did you hear someone say "There's already a volume of content on the Internet? Just go and take that." That is true. There's a lot of information to read, learn, and understand. The Internet search engine comes as a powerful medium for a global audience. While this is quite a prospective way to stay informed about news, health, shopping, hobbies, art, and much more, those who are into content writing have done great in contributing top-quality content. So, if you are into a content writing career, you are heading to a truly great career. This is a rewarding career where not only do you get to learn continuously, but you are able to produce fresh content and give the best of your writing skills to your readers. 1. Technology way What is technology way? How it relates to content writing? We are living in Artificial Intelligence (AI) era. With AI, not only there is bigger scope for accuracy, but most importantly AI can detect what's best for you. Here in content wr

Why these Five free SEO tools are important for you for best analytics of your website

  Fixing your SEO errors is very important.  Otherwise you miss customers, website visibility, traffic, sales and revenue. In 2022,  SEO has gained not only huge prominence, but it is giving a better scope for small businesses to big business houses to opt for SEO and get their business goals achieved after the negative impact of pandemic. How's your SEO now and have you been checking for its errors. What are the best tools available for fixing SEO errors? 1. Google Search Console (GSC) If you find it difficult to check back GSC insights, hire a digital market company who can generate indepth insights about the performance of your website and make appropriate alterations in SEO. This is actually a DIY tool, but if you are in short of time, choose a professional SEO company. What does GSC do? - It provides information about your website ranking  - Traffic search queries - Page load times and analyzes whether your website is user-friendly - Page errors - Links to your site with ancho

How to make dry fruit powder for enhancing the taste of milk

  Do you like morning milk? It's a great way to start your day. Your family also needs rich vitamins bountiful in fresh cream milk. You come across a lot of varieties while buying milk. Almond milk, low cream, high cream, tone and untoned and many other. Boiling milk for a while and cooling it, adding sugar, and other flavored powders like BournVita, Boost, Complan and others is in practice. All age group love these protein powders like Bournvita, Boost, Horlicks and Complan.  A spoonful of one of these powders adding to a hot cup of milk adds a lot of taste and it is very delicious to drink. Adding sugar is your choice. You can add 1 to 2 tsp of sugar depending on your preference. But it really enhances the taste of your milk. Ever thought of making dry fruit powder? How to make it? The following is the recipe to make dry fruit powder and this is absolutely health drink. 1. Cashews : 5-10 2. Almonds : 5-10 3. Raisins : 5-10 4. Pistachios : 5-10 5. Watermelon and sunflower seeds :

Just one Tip : Develop content that is consumable (Content Marketing Tips)

An increasing demand for content marketing is here again during pandemic. Many small and home-owned businesses have been finding it very hard to market as their budget is very small. It is not limited to small businesses alone, but also to big and giant business holders who are seeking to put in their good efforts to market their products. With heavy SEO strategies and social media trends being on the rise, what are the best options available for you during this time as a business owner to market your business online. Any successful ideas? From watch repair service to laundry, there are hundreds of small businesses rely on content marketing. As PPC and video advertising are also very useful in generating leads, setting budget for advertising as become a good practice. This strategy has helped in generating leads even during pandemic period and has helped many owners to survive. How did you spend time in your business during pandemic? The following are some of the top trending content m

How to Write Google optimized content? (Tips and Discussion)

    Google expects quality content from you. The giant search engine likes your content when audience visit your website and spend time in reading your content. This is the first stage where your content is strikingly receives a positive impact. Audience prefer to come back to read your content when it is delivering their expectations.  Google's webmaster guidelines are very important to achieve SEO results with the help of techniques that is able to meet the giant search engine's expectations. You certainly put in a lot of effort in developing content.  When you publish it online, it is available on public domain for traffic to find it. There may be millions of content already available and guess what? Your content is found if it is Google optimized, Google optimized content? What is it? - It has relevant and useful keywords that are contextually organized within content. - Keywords are not excessively used - Content has emotion, intelligence and information - Most importantly

Four effective content writing and content marketing tips for February 2021 to apply in your business on a daily basis

  Are you a content creator? Did you know Google recently web creators community? Its here . You will be quite excited to visit this community as it is completely visual based and as a blogger you will be able to get new ideas on stories to share with audience. It's quite exciting. What's new in the world of content writing?  As you know the lockdown period was very hard upon all of us and some of us were able to manage and make it to find new clients and continued doing work-from-home. All of 2020 was definitely a difficult period. Now in 2021, what are your plans for your career in content? As we're still in February, there's still time to set your calendar to start working towards career plans. It comes as a one day task and when you do it well, you're ready for the next task to do it efficiently. A lot of practice is necessary to stay in the path of writing and you also have to read the works of others. If you have been into content writing since long time, you

What are your To-do-List Thoughts as a content marketer for 2021? Here are 10 Tips to work differently everyday

  What excites you about this New Year 2021? You may be looking for something that is very interesting and that makes you happy. Do you love painting, crafting, writing, cooking or other activities? Time flies quickly and as you witness it, the year 2020 has just gone by with pandemic and new year 2021 arrived.  Time changes and heals everything as a quote says. However, may have been year 2020, 2021 comes with bright prospects for you, especially if you are a writer, content marketer and digital marketer. How to go about in this New Year for making an improvement in your career?  The following are some of the best tips to guide you. #1. Do Something New Everyday Online With nearly 4.79 billion people accessing Internet, it is time that acquire the benefit of your audience who are missing  your presence and your ideas of content. Take up something that's very creative and useful for your audience. As a content marketer, you can post a useful video, or publish good content or share