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How to Plan, Review and Initiate the 4Ps in Digital Marketing Strategy for Your Business Success Online?

Everything works with strategy on Internet. Learning about strategy is definitely crucial. Following a strategy in content writing works to the success of earning more views, comments and shares.  When it comes to content marketing, strategy is a must. Strategy is all about having a plan. This could be about content or content marketing. More relative term as practiced online is content strategy.  In the same pattern, digital marketing strategy also holds its firm place. What is Digital Strategy? It has to go through a clear process of planning that achieves the final output successfully.  The core areas of digital strategy are: understand what is possible understand your business and market context understand your customer understand potential challenges you face plan your strategy for optimal delivery understand the possibilities within the relevant digital channels  measure and evolve your strategy gain buy-in The following are the activities of Digital Mar

How to Benefit from AI, Machine Learning for Your business? (digital marketing, content marketing, SEO)

AI and machine learning have arrived. It's time to take its benefit.  You need not study in depth. Just improve  your content marketing, digital marketing and SEO for AI and enjoy the results rapidly. Your business performance will be much higher. Working on quality content has become a necessity. Provide value,  interest and answer the issues of users in your content. AI likes it. Although there's a growing volume of content online, quality is dearth. Sometimes, readers find it even much harder to scroll through search results to find what they are looking for. With much advancement in content marketing, there's a constant hard work to develop perfect content marketing strategy.  It poses a great challenge for existing content marketers. 55 content marketing terms to know for content marketers However, there are many successful businesses that are yielding great results with content strategy and content marketing, both being essential for aiming at target audie

9 Practical key Areas to Know About Content Marketing in Your B2B and B2C Business

A tiny cumin seed,  the second most popular spice globally, is used in every curry and snack. Though being small in size, cumin plant grows anywhere between 12-20 inches tall. Having both health and medical properties, a pinch of ground cumin can add much flavor and taste. It is greatly used in Indian cooking. As said, content marketing is essential for your business to win customers, grow traffic and stay popular online. Small, medium or big enterprise, working on content marketing strategy is the most competent task that makes you busy. Innovation, creativity, CX (customer experience) and UX (user experience) are applied in content creation to enable benefits to readers. It will further generate fast and quick results. # 1. Elements of content marketing So, what are the ways in which content marketers can work to create profitable and user-centered content? Work on content strategy Prepare a content marketing strategy Identify audience (buyer personas) Develop content

55 Content Marketing Terms to Know for Content Marketers

Content marketing is a unique strategy approach towards achieving successful sales online. While it never works randomly, it is required to have content strategy and content marketing strategy. However, there are few basics to understand before making an entry into content marketing. Now, are you ready to take off for the next up coming terms most commonly used in content marketing? Knowing more about the content marketing terms helps in better understanding. Let's find out!! #1. A/B Testing Web page or content page is checked with many variables that may include a headline, content format, layout, subject line etc. This model of metric-based evaluation called as A/B testing gives results depending on the testing of variable.  #2. Above the fold Content that is mostly on the top of a website that mostly invites the attention of a visitor.  #3. Affiliated Marketing Affiliate marketing is a revenue stream for affiliates who place ads on their

How Big Data can Grow Your Small Business? (4 Big Data Tools)

Having a small business online, your daily goal is to sell and grow profits daily.  In spite of having competition, you make it happen on Internet with SEO, Press Release, Google advertising, Facebook advertising and article marketing. While this has been the ongoing process of content strategy and content marketing online, did you that AI ( artificial intelligence ) and machine learning is almost there for you to help speed up finding customer behavior? There is a complete transformation in the world of business with Big Data. As known to you, mostly the data comes from emails, images, whatsapp, facebook, twitter and from many other sources of videos. By 2020, it is estimated that nearly there would be six billion smartphones in the world. The smartphone sensors  (GPS) are so powerful that they can quickly track weather, location and even how fast we are moving. Apart from smartphones, it is also estimated that 50 billion smart devices like fridge, smart TV, watches and even l

Top 39 Online Trading Firms in U.S. for High Profitability

There are 60 noteworthy stock exchanges worldwide and the total worth of global stock market is $75.3 trillion (2017) according to IMF.  Top 10 stock exchanges by market capitalization: #1. New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) With a market capitalization of over $30 trillion with nearly 2,400 companies listed, NYSE has a stake of 40% of global equity market.  # 2. NASDAQ Having 3,900 listed companies on its board, NASDAQ has a capitalization of over $12 trillion.  # 3. London Stock Exchange (LSE) LSE holds a market capitalization up to $5.8 trillion having 2,500 companies listed from 90 countries.  #4. Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) Listed with 3,575 companies, the market capitalization is nearly $5.5 trillion. #5. Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) Having over 1,366 listed companies, its market value is $5.05 trillion. #6. EuroNext Having $4.18 trillion worth of market, Euronext has 1,300 listed companies.  #7. Hong Kong Stock Exc