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10 Presentation Slides to Digital Marketing Strategy

How to Understand Marketing Management in the era of Globalization?

Believe it or not much has been transformed after globalization.  As smartphones become most handy, accessing weather to online food orders, there's a lot of convenience.  Additionally, the manner in which every business manages online and sells its products through online is also a magic. It is like all businesses are interlinked and interdependent.  But first let's see what are the benefits of marketing globalization: 1. What is globalization? " The process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale." The term 'globalization' includes access to free information,  technology,  and goods among countries and consumers.  The world is now connected. 2. Benefits of globalization - An exchange of culture, food, entertainment,  music, art, goods and services apart from technology transfer are some of the key areas of benefits. - Growth in employment,  opportuniti

Who Gave the Classification of Marketing Tools?

Philip Kotler, the S.C. Johnson & Son Distinguished Professor of International Marketing at Northwestern University's Kellog School of Management, is widely regarded as the Father of Modern Marketing. Other contributors to the development of marketing thought were - Taylor, and B.H. Hibbard. What is Marketing? There are many definitions of marketing.  But the most popular is AMA -   "Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering,  and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large." What are marketing tools? Marketing tools are those that companies use to develop, promote their products and services. In this model, the term 'tools' refers to techniques, strategies, and materials.  As businesses use different marketing tools - advertising,  direct mail and market research to expand sales,  it always works whichever is best for your business.

How to Grow a Popular Blog in Blogspot? (7 Tips)

Free blog in Blogger is not only a career or small business for many, but it's also the matter of growing your  profile online. Google's free Blogger allows you to create a free blogspot or buy  domain for a small fee per year. In my case, I stared by free blogspot alpha content writing  back in 2011. Since then I have published blog posts to a total of 234. The minimum length of a blog post is 500 words and I have written upto 2000 words as well. I have many new pages as well. A landing page also. My adsense was approved and I've been publishing blog posts regularly. It's a lot of hard work. 1. The Process of Writing Choosing the title, topic, writing, making it look new and adding a good image. The whole process of writing may take anywhere between 2-3 hrs or more. 2. Write Consistently How often should you publish a blog post? As frequently as you can. With the help of a content calendar, you can plan your writing. 3. Unique conten

11 Small Business Content Series - 10 Effective Tips for Blogging

Blogging is one of the multi-tasking activities of content developers.  In fact, many choose to own multiple niche expertise in blogging. - Did you know an average reader spends 37 seconds to read blog post? - Nearly 34.5% of websites on the Internet are built on WordPress. - 70  million new posts are published on WordPress each month. - It takes an average time of 3.5 hrs to write a blog post of 1100 words. - The number of bloggers are expected to increase to  31.7 million bloggers in the U.S. - There are more than 500 million blogs as of 2019. - WordPress has 60 million blogs And there are many other interesting facts. In 2020, blogging is still very much relevant. Let's now find out and discuss about getting more busier in blogging for high profits of traffic, sales and clicks. 1. Blogging Rules Create a plan before you begin to write. Choose your topic and a headline. Write the lead paragraph. Write short paragraphs with a maximum of 3-4 lines.

11 Small Business Content Series - How to Develop Web Content?

Nearly 36% of small businesses do not have their own website like mine. I have been working on a free blogspot since 2012 and I've tried to some extent to get my domain online, but could not succeed, so I continued my part-time freelancing on a free blogspot. That's part of my story. Okay, let's get to some real facts of web content. What is web content? It is the content that appears on each page of a website. 2.What does it say? It talks about your business, product/services and what you.sell online It is expected to be written in the most personal fashion that it connects your audience with your business. That is the final objective and.goal Your audience must be able to understand about your business and take a virtial tour. 3.Who is your audience? Audience are those who wish to know more about your business. They are initially termed as traffic / target audience  before they convert into full segment of audience. Where exactly can you fi

11 Small Business Content Series - Part I (Introduction)

How to create content to market your small business online? This is one of the most common questions and one simple answer that I've found is - Write for your audience. This is the success formula and secret. We'll discuss about audience later in the blog post. But first, what is content and how can I develop small business content? Content comes as Content marketing and it comes in a variety of types, models, channels and platforms. What suits for one may not be appropriate for another. You really have to understand the 5Ws and 1 H. What - When - Where - Who - Why and How? What is content marketing? " Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action." ( Source: Content Marketing Institute ) Is we break down the definition and discuss about it - we  can