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3-Everyday Working Content Marketing Tips to Help you Build Customer Relations in Lockdown Period 2020

Have you been successful in achieving some traffic everyday to your blog in this lockdown period?  It may appear as an extra hard work as compared to the regular times, because, you were able to meet new clients and exchange conversations and deliver more everyday. But now, in this period when your business requires a change in marketing strategies, there is a need to learn how to do content marketing. Learn about New Marketing Strategies Based on your target audience, where they may be searching for your website, you are required to change your strategies and publish more effective online content marketing to enable your audience find your website.  It is also crucial that you learn about new marketing strategies especially when the audience has to multitask staying home, taking care of family, managing work loads from home, cooking, grocery online shopping, talking to friends, relatives and spending time with children. When all of these chores are happening right at home, you can'

Is Your Business Impacted by Lock Down? (Seven Key Tips to Improve your Business while Working From Home)

  This period of Covid-19 lock down having already felt worldwide as a great recession period for businesses, there's very little anyone could do except staying home and do whatever you can. Not just on small businesses, but it brought a bigger impact on giant businesses globally and some of these even planning on closure of some of their production units due to lack of sales and some due to lack of shipping facilities. We'll start with China Back in early February or March, it all started in Wuhan wet market when workers who came in contact with few rare animals in cages or its meat, quickly got infected and within few days, Covid-19 rapidly surged across the Wuhan city and there were hundreds, thousands and millions began to heap across hospitals and nursing homes in China. The Covid-19 or the novel Coronavirus was declared by WHO and health emergency was declared. It spread not just in China but the tourists who visited China migrated it to their home countries. The lock dow

Seven Working Ideas to Keep You Actively Going Great With Your Skill in Lock Down Period (Stay connected with your audience)

  How to generate customer enquiries in this lock-down period? Are there are many assured methods and marketing strategies that guide you through the process to do well in your business?  This is the most common question asked by many and small business owners continue to ask and seek advice of market experts. What are the best solutions available? Are there any proven marketing ideas? #1. How much time are you spending online in marketing your products?  Marketing and promotion of your business is essential. Spend quality time in developing creative content and make it uniquely interesting. As audience begin to spend more time staying home during this lock down period, you have extended scope to reach your audience. However you have create interesting content for the benefit of your audience and it is also important to take research on the topic to frame quality data, information and make it interesting for audience. Some of the platforms for you to share your content are: - Social me

What are the Opinions of Internet users on Content Marketing?

  What is content marketing? The term as defined by Content Marketing Institute " Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action." This is mostly used by businesses to market its products and services. It is done with certain objectives and goals.  Content marketing works with certain specific strategies, plans, and analysis. Some of the important areas are - finding personas, buyer's journey, content strategy, content calendar and search engine optimization. It includes both long-form and short-form of content.  Content that engages, interests, entertains, educates and informs audience is the most relevant content that drives profitable action. Search engines index audience-usable, readable and usable content.  Ranking and indexing of content is only based on users benefits. This means

How to Increase Traffic Without Content Marketing?

  Content marketing has emerged as the most powerful component of digital marketing. One can say - Without content marketing, there can be no business online. Believe this?  Sharing a small clip of Content Marketing Institute (CMI) a very good authoritative source in content marketing that has hundreds of professional content marketers who are extremely good at creating content on various topics of content marketing. There are hundreds of articles on content marketing. Following it regularly, you would gain expertise in your career as a content marketer. It is viewed as a primary source of traffic. Developing unique and 100% original content and publishing it in some of the reputed sources online is one of the ways to achieve traffic to your website. That is a huge benefit and it is most welcome. Don't you agree?  It is not an easy task. Writers spend a lot of time in taking research, write drafts, check, verify, correct, revise and finally bring a ready-to-publish content.  Requir

How Marketing and Sales Department is useful to increase the demand in the market?

  The market is full of products and consumers have a wide choice to buy. The responsibility of a market is to promote, advertise and engage customers to choose their interests.   While selling and marketing is one of the objectives of a business, you will also focus on providing multiple benefits to the buyer by offering excellent customer care, service and quality products. As a small business owner, you will maintain not only good relationships with customers, but will also ensure that you acquire new customers by reaching your audience through online and offline sources. Every business has certain strategies to start with in implementing its plans, proposals and ideas.  However, we are going to discuss about marketing and sales department who play a pivotal role in increasing your product demand in the market. #1. Drive product demand To earn revenue and profit, you have to drive product demand. As a retailer, wholesaler or a marketer, you are required certain marketing goals that

Is Coding Really Essential for kids or is it just for promotion and advertising?

  Kids are quite enthusiastic in learning. They are young and very jubilant in learning. The academic learning has been a regular practice for parents to sit with them and help in learning. The Kindergarten education is quite a general perspective and schools have trained teachers to help kids to learn the fundamentals. However, recently, coding has been introduced for the benefit of the learners to be able to learn math, programming, logical reasoning and much more.  Kids aged between 7 and above have knowledge in basic math, English reading and writing and other special subjects. But if they are encouraged to learn about computer coding, it comes as a new way of learning and it is quite an interesting subject for young minds to sit before the system and start working on coding. When it comes to the aspect of discussion to differentiate whether it is really necessary to prepare kids to advance in their computer learning, it can be stated that it is quite an ideal task to inspire child