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Showing posts from January, 2020

How to Ask Youngsters Questions About Mobile Marketing?

Mobile marketing is the buzz and there's so much happening in the world of this handy and beautiful electronic device. Honestly speaking, mobile is integrated into our daily lives. Just when your day begins, you first check your phone, check the charging, check messages, Facebook updates and sometimes emails. Initially, it was just a communication device, but now, it is a whole new world. There's even a new word Mobile-indexing,  mobile advertising, mobile marketing and much more. Some of the interesting Mobile statistics are: (2019) - 80% of users used mobile to search Internet. - 40% of online transactions are done on mobile - Mobile search ad spending was estimated to be worth 28.12 Billion in U.S. - Nearly 3/4th shoppers use mobile devices - Half of users take the benefits of reviews before making a purchase - Nearly 50% of websites use responsive web design that works on all devices - Website quick load is more important for all mobile audience

How Cytokinins Work for Preserving the Freshness of Vegetables?

Cytokinins (CK) belong to a segment of plant growth substances, also called as Pytohormones. They promote cytokinesis, or cell division in plant roots. What do they do? Involved in many plant processes including cell division and root morphogenesis, they also regulate bud growth and other dominance. Moving from roots to the shoots, it signals bud growth and this is evident in small experiments for the purpose of theory. Further they slow down the process of aging among plants by preventing the breakdown of protein. It further activates protein synthesis, and assembles nutrients from the tissues. How it works in a eco-friendly way? Fresh vegetables that require high shelf life need some preservative. Green vegetables have some moisture and therefore prone to perishable nature. Therefore, these vegetables are sprayed with a solution of cytokinin to preserve for longer time and also to enhance their shelf life. With this application, marketed vegetables can stay

How to Know More About SAU in Digital Marketing?

Digitalsau    is an online digital marketing learning program offered by a digital marketing expert. Based in the city of Ambala, in the State of Haryana, located on the border of Punjab, India. The meaning of Sau The word "Sau" refers to a Punjabi language word (region language spoken in the State of Punjab, Haryana and which means a 100. So, in reference to Digital Sau - Digital 100. Why digital marketing ? For every small business to reach a segment of online audience, a thorough knowledge of digital marketing  is necessary. Because, the definition says: " Digital marketing is the marketing of products or services using digital technologies on the Internet, through mobile phones, apps, display advertising, and any other digital mediums." With access to Internet on phones and laptops, more and more users are now getting online browsing for their interests. Whereas marketing is all about connecting with your audience in the right place and

How to Market Aromatic Flowers? (11 Tips & Techniques)

Flowers have an all-time demand. Blooming in season particularly, bring a great interest from buyers. Used in decorations, bouquets, flower garlands and much more, the fragrance of flowers never comes away. Customers to buy flowers are always there. The only challenge you have is, how shall I market my aromatic flowers? Some of the marketing ideas are discussed here: 1. Having an outlet Do you have an outlet to enable customers to easily find you. That's much easier. Display the name of your business, timings and your contact number. Share your email id as well. Announce, what different varieties of flowers do you offer and the availability. What kind of flower decorations services do you offer? List these properly. The local community will be able to reach you easily. 2. Work from home business Do you work from home? Design flower decorations and make these to be available for the display. Allow customers to visit you and also ensure to give timely

Top 20 # Tips to Launch Your Career in Influence Marketing (Essentials of Digital Marketing)

The era of influencers has just begun as you know and its likely that you may surely become one by the end of reading this blog post. Guess - why do I say this? Because, influencers are greatly in demand for telling stories of brands. Audience reflect and respond to stories. From AI, NLP, ML and fashion, if you can establish your reputation, you can achieve greatly. This career can fetch you not only attractive income, but also name, fame, recognition, fan-following and much more. Here, there are few helpful tips to become a massively successful influencer and take off in your career. Tip No. 1# Set your career goal Career as influencer requires systematic approach with a bit of planning. As you decide to launch your prospective influencer career, you must be prepared to accept hurdles and obstacles that you may circumvent. There are some misconceptions that brands find it much harder to work with influencers. The rise of TikTok, Snapchat and Instagram has of

Publish a Blog Post - Pick Your Title

Welcome !!! Pick and select a Blog Post to publish. This is a free offer. You can select to write any number of blog posts. There's also Blog Post Writing Service offer here. Hire to get the blog post just @ USD 2.15 $ each  Get it delivered to your Mailbox Facebook: alpha content writing (digital marketing) List of Blog Posts available 1. 10 Tips to save more on a holiday?  2. 15 Tips to choose your  meal plan when you visit a new city 3. 20 Tips to stay safe from seasonal sickness 4. 5 Interesting facts about Tiny Houses 5. 5-Must have items when you travel 6. How to check and compare cheap flight prices in your location? 7. How to find fashion clothing for your pet? 8. How to care for your pet in flight travel? 9. 10 types of Tea you can make at home for health benefits 10. How to invest and save in small proportions for long-term profits? 11. Top 10 Health apps that tell about your health

Top 10 # Tips for Online Reputation(Essentials of digital marketing)

You know it. Online reputation is crucial for your success. As an individual or a business owner, you believe that being a credible source for your customers is a great asset. To earn recognition,  you work very hard and for long term positive results, you perform to your fullest capabilities to keep going successfully. So, let's view some of the essential areas that keep you safe and get going online. || definition || Online Reputation +++ Online reputation, or e-reputation, is the reputation of a company, person, product, service or any other element on the internet and digital platforms. This online reputation is impacted by the content an organization distributes, the reactions of and interactions with web users, activity on social networks,etc. (Source:Internet glossary) Understanding it in simple terms - it's all about staying in positive terms with your audience, customers, stakeholders and everyone. This means, you have to be  patient understandi

Seven-Point Discussion on Building Personas (Essentials of Digital Marketing)

As heard before personas are real persons who drive sales. All personas cannot be the same or all businesses have similar personas. Let's get a review of the definition of a Persona: " A Persona is a composite sketch of a target market based on validated commonalities - not assumptions - that informs content strategy to drive productive buyer engagement (i.e., revenue) - Ardath Albee -  Referring particularly to content marketers, applying this definition enables easy planning of marketing strategies and implementation. Let's assume for a while, that we do not know about personas. In that scenario, how would you know who's your buyer? or a prospective buyer? Impossible to know and you never understand how to create a marketing plan. Pertaining to content publishing, personas help in writing for your target audience. Therefore, if you are initiating content marketing, you need personas. 12 Things to set your B2B content marketing strategy Now, w