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Showing posts from September, 2020

How Marketing and Sales Department is useful to increase the demand in the market?

  The market is full of products and consumers have a wide choice to buy. The responsibility of a market is to promote, advertise and engage customers to choose their interests.   While selling and marketing is one of the objectives of a business, you will also focus on providing multiple benefits to the buyer by offering excellent customer care, service and quality products. As a small business owner, you will maintain not only good relationships with customers, but will also ensure that you acquire new customers by reaching your audience through online and offline sources. Every business has certain strategies to start with in implementing its plans, proposals and ideas.  However, we are going to discuss about marketing and sales department who play a pivotal role in increasing your product demand in the market. #1. Drive product demand To earn revenue and profit, you have to drive product demand. As a retailer, wholesaler or a marketer, you are required certain marketing goals that

Is Coding Really Essential for kids or is it just for promotion and advertising?

  Kids are quite enthusiastic in learning. They are young and very jubilant in learning. The academic learning has been a regular practice for parents to sit with them and help in learning. The Kindergarten education is quite a general perspective and schools have trained teachers to help kids to learn the fundamentals. However, recently, coding has been introduced for the benefit of the learners to be able to learn math, programming, logical reasoning and much more.  Kids aged between 7 and above have knowledge in basic math, English reading and writing and other special subjects. But if they are encouraged to learn about computer coding, it comes as a new way of learning and it is quite an interesting subject for young minds to sit before the system and start working on coding. When it comes to the aspect of discussion to differentiate whether it is really necessary to prepare kids to advance in their computer learning, it can be stated that it is quite an ideal task to inspire child

How to Manage the Launching of a New Product as a Marketing Manager and what are the challenges?

  New product launch has become most common in these days. Every business is trying something new in its product line and would like to take research and work on the benefits for the end user. This effort has worked successfully for many SMEs and it continues to be in trend. But some challenges continue to remain for successful launch of a new product. Effective management is necessary during this phase and to avoid any risks and errors. 1. Project Management For a marketing manager who has to manage a huge line of responsibilities from marketing programs to campaigns, at every phase it is required to plan carefully in launching the product until it is successfully received by the audience. Especially the aspect of research in project management - customer segmentation and research to understand how best end user receives your new product are quite important. Data is also collected to check whether the project has met its goals and ROI of the marketing. Making  business decisions, to m

Who Makes Finance Decisions in International Marketing and what are the influencing factors

  If you wish to learn about international marketing - briefly stating it is the performance of a business and its activities involved in planning, pricing, promotion and directing the flow of goods and services to its consumers in more than one country at a profit margin. The difference between domestic marketing and international marketing is - the latter conducts marketing activities in more than one country. However, the marketing objective remains same both for domestic or international marketing for marketers.  The final goal and objective is to earn profit by selling goods or services in various regions which have demand for them. There are many challenges associated with international marketing. These are: As compared to domestic marketing, international marketing has a set of challenges and marketers are not aware of the foreign environment and have to find out more in the marketing during the phase of planning. The challenges include: - Competition - Legal barriers - Governme

Marketing Name of Cuo - 2Yr MBA full-time Programme in Central University of Odisha

  CUO - Central University of Odisha is established by the Parliament under the Central Universities Act, 2009. CUO is among the 15 new Central Universities established by the Government of India to enable people of India to access higher education. Koraput District of Odisha comes within the purview of KBK region (Koraput, Bolangir and Kalahandi) which is still considered as an underdeveloped region in the State of Odisha. As majority of these three states have people who belong to backward community, to up-bring its people and enable quality education, CUO has been proposed to be established. Among various departments that include -  - Computer Science - Economics - Journalism - Mass Communication - Mathematics  Master of Business Administration (MBA) Programme consisting of 2yr-full time has been started from the Academic Session 2015-16. With the admission capacity of 30 students, the course curriculum includes both theoretical and industry exposure. The course is designed to devel

What are the SME institutes that offer Marketing as a Learning Area

  Are you an SME preneur? Then this article is definitely for you to read. Definition of SME Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are independent firms which are non-subsidiary, who employ fewer number of employees. The most frequent upper limit of SME employees is 250 and some countries limit at 200 while U.S. limits SMEs to include firms with fewer than 500 employees. Smaller firms are fewer than 50 employees, while micro enterprises have 10 or 5 workers. SME is an abbreviation for Small-to-mid-size enterprise (SME) having a small proportion of assets, revenues and few employees.  The criteria of SME may vary from country to country and between industries. However, there's excellent scope for SMEs to commence various businesses and establish as successful enterprises. For example SMEs in the U.S. are maintained by SBA - The Small Business Administration and they determine the limits for a business to be eligible for government contracts and funds.  Depending on the size of e

Three Necessary Top skills to Learn for Freelance Digital Marketing Specialist in Lock-down Period

  Freelance digital marketer? That's right. You hear it from many online sources advising you to choose a career. They say, you can earn working from home. As digital marketing is now exceedingly important for every small business, you have a great opportunity to offer digital marketing services and help their website achieve ranking, traffic, leads and sales.  Let's find out some of the interesting facts about freelance digital marketing. - Working from home, you can set your work schedules - Manage your time in promoting your services on social media, publishing, sharing and talking to clients - Help budding digital marketers to grow in their career - Share your opinions, offer marketing advice to businesses in forums and do influencer marketing - Acquire expertise in one or more areas of digital marketing - PPC, SEO, content marketing, social media, remarketing, analytics etc., - Profitable returns for your efforts and time investment are assured, however they may take littl

How can you be a successful Influencer? How Businesses want you as Mega, Macro, Micro, Nano Influencer? Check the tips

  Are you aspiring to be an influencer? This is the besg time for you to become one.  This is a bilion dollar industry and using your skills and talents,  you can surely be a successful Influencer with lots of popularity,  clients, revenue and much more.  It is projected that by 2028 Influencer Marketing Platform U.S market reaches $28.1 Billion. Endorsements, product marketing strategies or product placements, influencers are the special people who can uplift your marketing. They can be either ordinary people or celebrities. But they must have good.following and exhibit specialized knowledge and social influence in a.specific field.  If done well, influencer marketing can prove to be a valuable source and guide to consumers to advertise, market and promote your brand. In the recent times, audience have begun to put their confidence in bloggers, Twitterers, Tiktokers, Instagrammers, and their recommendations of products are high on the list for purchase. But how to become a successful

How to choose topics for article writing? How to choose article title? (Tips to work on it for higher score)

  As an article writer, you do great spending lot of time in planning your writing. It's certainly worth your time and energy. But have you ever wondered, how to choose a best title for your article. There are hundreds of articles that get published everyday. You know very well how audience consume content.  They love good content that begins and ends with interesting content on various topics. Which is why you see there's overwhelming response to article publishing directories. There may be thousands of articles on a single topic, but you will never stop receiving endless questions, comments and likes and so much of engagement. That gives a great advantage for you to know how best you can work on each article. That's awesome. So, what are those topics are you working on? I thought, I would share some latest topics with you in this lock-down period, so that you can get some traffic to your blog / website. 1. Technology - This is an ever green trend. Technology is now part o

Google Cloud Platform is the future for your business?

  Are you hearing more about Google Cloud? Yes, I've been hearing about and took time to attend Google Cloud On Air #. Let's discuss more about it. What is Google Cloud? Google's cloud platform is a highly reliable and scalable cloud computing service that helps its users to store data, help developers to build, test, deploy apps. Google cloud takes care of application,  storage, and cloud computing services for backend, mobile along with web solutions using Internet. Nearly four million apps trust and use the platform.  Google ensures to keep the backend much simple and uses very simple file system. This is the foundation of the Google Cloud Platform. Many small and big enterprises are choosing Google Cloud, as it comes with reasonable costs. As companies begin to migrate to Google Cloud due to its savvy solutions, it also saves money on IT staffing and works as a scaling solution on my platform.  Google cloud application programming interface (API) allows MS Office to be

Three New Ways of Marketing Online for your Business during this lock-down Period

  How is your business doing during lock-down period? Sure, it must be a concern for sales, marketing and daily communication with customers. Covid-19 has brought a bigger impact on your business and it is time that you must look for new ways to find customers and simultaneously do marketing online. Developing new marketing startegies and with the help of online search trends, you can market your business. Let's first find out some of the facts: 1. Audience search with keywords. Each keyword is valuable and if you choose SEO or Google ads, you may have to pay for each keyword.  2. Use free tools to check what audience are searching.  Example - Keyword Planner Tool. It provides you with customer behavior. It provides with keyword search volumes and further planning for a campaign with relevant search terms is easy. 3. Use Google Trends to search audience interests in your location or in different regions. They help you to understand the interests of audience search online.  It also

Are you using social media for your business in this Pandemic Period? (Find 10 additonal marketing tips)

  Its been so long since I published a new post. Just got little busier in this lock down period. There were so many interesting topics that I may have missed to write about. But I wish I could write more and publish more. Especially, if you are working as a marketer online, you have to be good at planning your content marketing and this is really important. - How can you develop new content plan and work on it? - What are the trending topics that you can discuss with audience? - If you have a small business online, how would you bring about new methods of marketing online and try to sell your products?  - How would you plan your marketing budget if you are using one or social media platforms? Let's find out more about writing and using social media platforms for your success in marketing your business online. There are 4.57 Billion Internet users.  Mobile phone users increased by 128 million over the last 12 months. Let's first see how audience are spending time on social medi