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Can you have breakfast after drinking Kabasura Kudineer churnam (Know the facts)

Kabasura Kudineer Choornam is based on ancient tradition preparation.  It is mostly used in treating some of the common, seasonal, respiratory ailments such as flu and cold. Consuming Kabsura Kudineer Choornam treats ohelm, dry and wet cough and fever. The choornam or the powder has the following medicinal properties: - Anti-inflammatory  - Analgesic - Anti-viral - Anti-bacterial - Anti-fungal - Antioxidant - Hepato-proactive - Anti-pyretic - Anti-asthmatic - Immunomodulatory  Several resaerch studies have proven that the choornam reduces the swelling in the air passages. And the antibacterial and antipyretic cure fever. Known as Siddha medicine having 15 herbal ingredients,  each of them has certain specific and significant features of its own. Additionally, this churnam is extensively popular for boosting the lungs, improving respiratory systemand takes care of infections like cough, cold, fever and other respiratory conditions. It is mostly consumed as a decoction. When not to have

Can you feed idli and banana to a seven month old baby?

South Indian idli or steamed pan cakes are very popular and found favor across many countries.  The preparation of idlis is quite easy made with lentils and semolina batter fermented overnight and the method of steaming is actually the best secret. The soft, spongy and white colored steamed idlis are just so appetizing. Does everybody enjoy the taste? Idlis are loved for their soft and squishy texture. When served hot, these are perfect appearing as small, circled, white in color, taste fabulous. Perfectly loved by everyone irrespective of age, did you know infants also love the taste of idlis? That's right. Babies love idlis. Let's find out about the caloric value of idlis: - One idli has 33 calories - Carbohydrates 29 calories - Proteins 4 calories Could you feed bananas to a seven month baby? Doctors prescribe that you start solid from the third or fourth month onwards as infants begin to enjoy and recognize the taste. However, bananas should start from the age of six months

How Papaya and Banana hair mask strengthens your hair

Are you experiencing dry and dull hair?  Would you like to try something new and different that works wonderfully to the health of your hair? Awesome. While there are many good hair packs available, try banana and papaya hair pack that is the best home remedy and can be easily prepared at home. How to prepare hair mask? 1. Mash ripe banana 2. Add 2 tsp of extra virgin olive oil 3. Mix well 4. Mash papaya  5. Mix it with mashed banana 6. Apply the mask to the hair 7. Allow it to sit for 45 minutes 8. Give a shampoo and rinse well. Benefits: If you are looking for strong, long and healthy hair, apply papaya and banana hair mask. It nourishes your hair and makes you look good. With plenty of antioxidants, minerals, nutrients and fibres,  papaya and banana hair mask is the best choice for hair care. - adds volume to your hair - prevents hair loss and balding - prevents hair thinning - fights dandruff - acts as a natural hair conditioner - controls split ends - prevents premature greying of

How Green Banana and Gingers works to your good health? (Find the facts)

Do you love green banana? That fresh, firm, and fiber skin definitely catches your heart that you want to try some new recipe for your meal. While there are wide varieties of recipes available - stir fry, make a curry, starter, appetizer and much more with green banana, you would like to know what are the health benefits behind the use of green banana. Here's what it has: - Complete vegetable rich in fibre.  Fibre is good in detoxifying your body and reduces solid wastes. - Excellent for heart functioning. Similar to ripe bananas,  green bananas are rich in potassium. - Green bananas are full of dietary fibres. - This is also an excellent source of vitamins - Excellent vegetable for diabetes - Works as a weight loss vegetable.  Add it to your daily meal in some form and enhance your health. Now let's find out about ginger: With excellent history, ginger has come a long way as a taste enhancer, and is considered as a home-remedy for many seasonal and common ailments like cold, c

Which one is safe? Shea butter or banana shampoo for dry hair

Soon as you get into shower,  you look for your shampoo to give your hair a thorough wash. Absolutely true. You want to keep your hair neat, silky, soft and smooth. As we interact with everyday environment,  our hair goes through a lot of trivial situations. It may catch dandruff, dryness, get itchy, oily, sticky, catch dirt and all other pollutants. You won't be able anything except start searching for a good shampoo and begin testing it on your hair for finding a relief. How would you choose which shampoo is good for you? May be you look for best product description, reviews,  videos and also consult a good dermatologist.  While all of these are perfectly alright, let's find out what shea butter shampoo does. Do you have dry hair? Let's find out how Shea Butter Shampoo can protect you - Shea butter protects against hair loss. - It acts as a softener and anti-irritant. - It moisturizes dry and itchy scalps - It also contains anti-inflammatory properties that help in

Do you think Barley Water and Millet Porridge can help you look thinner? Find out how?

You love to look thin because that's what makes you feel comfortable.  Did you know there are also tips and dress style techniques used that can instantly make you look thinner? That's a tiny fact. What other things do you do to look thin?  Probably a change in your diet or perform exercise daily and practice yoga. Well, these are all part of your daily program and that is excellent. Let's discuss about two main items here: Ragi Malt or Millet Ragi Malt or Millet Porridge Can you look thin if you take Ragi malt for breakfast? You already know about the suoerfood  Porridge Can you look thin if you take Ragi malt for breakfast? You already know about the suoerfood grain that has gained excellent source of: - B Vitamin - Niacin  - B6 - Folic acid Health Benefits - Ragi has anti diabetic, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. - Offers protection against tumors and athersclerosis. (Cholesterol plaque build up in the walls of arteries) - Rich in calcium - Rich in fiber and an

How to know more about unsafe food colors used in Biryani? Are they good?

Orange, red, lemon yellow are some of the permitted colors used in Biryani. People love the taste. Right? But how do we know whether these are safe to use? Though they say the food colors have been in use for a long time and these are permitted besides being absolutely safe, how do we understand the entire theory and concept behind its addition in Biryani. Particularly when this is one of the most favorite delicacies of India cherished by foreigners as well. To understand this in detail, let's first examine what's available in food color and how these are made? FSSAI regulations (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Regulations 2011, says no colors can be added to the food other than those permitted in the regulations. FSSAI allows colors as an additive in - - Icecream and dairy products - Candies,  sweets, biscuits, cakes and confectionery  - Jellies, jam, juice - non-alcoholic and non-carbonated drinks Sythetic colors can have a maximum limit of 100 parts in the final

How to plan and document your marketing strategy as a startup when your customers are price conscious?

Generally speaking you come across many comments of your customers whenever they see your products. Right? Why do you think customers do that? It's because customers have a regular practice to leave reviews, feedback, comment,  likes, dislikes and much more. It is customer behavior and customer psychology.  Especially with access to mobile device, product ads have become much more accessible.  Let's first check what are the factors that a customer considers when viewing a product. - Appearance  - Appeal - Built - Shape, style and frame - Functioning - Advantages - Disadvantages  - Pricing - Long term or short term usability  - Thinking over to buy or not to buy Though the purchasing power parity is great in India, sometimes you will notice that some of them are price conscious. This means - Value for money is what they look for. Or it could be that they would like to save more and spend less. In this process how a startup can plan its marketing strategy? Some of the tips are: -

What Exactly is an Idea of Air Travel Marketing - (Few Tips added)

With the advent of Internet, airline travel business has been booming. To create convenience probably for effective customer satisfaction,  many new airlines have been launched with their unique marketing strategies.  How different is airline marketing? Some of the popular brand strategies are -  - Understand the needs of consumers  - Analyze why a specific is a good choice? - Cost analysis - whether a consumer chooses higher prices over a budget airline  Applying consumer psychology  Airlines marketing requires to apply consumer psychology to identify and list reasons as to why consumers develop positive or negative opinions towards airline brands. Customer status,  brand loyalty and reward programmes place airlines in a better position and also to stay ahead in competition.  New and Innovative Marketing Strategies  We cannot assume that martketing strategies can be same and similar for each and every airline Because target audien

Marketing is a Burden on Consumers - Is This True?

Every brand has its own strategy for marketing. Why? Because it wants to gain recognition,  reputation and make sales. Consumer is the main target for a brand. It doesn't matter - new or existing, a business  strives to market its products. In the process of marketing,  there are many methods, strategies,  innovative advertising methodologies,  ideas, and so much more. Like they say - " All roads lead to Rome" - the entire purpose, objective and goal is to reach end consumer. There's absolute hard work done by marketing managers, advertising specialists and many more brainstorming their discussions. Now let's talk about the stunning times of Internet technology that entire superceded every other era and rocketing through multi channels of online marketing. In online marketing, a consumer can be reached through - - Email marketing - Discount coupon - Free / Trial offer - Content Marketing - Social media marketing - Video marketing -

How to Identify the Risks Involved in Digital Marketing Strategy

A digital marketing strategy is all about staing connected with your audience to focus on the end result. While the strategy and tactics are vast, whether or not they suit brand, is essentially checked upon. As content goes first for lead generation,  other marketing mix like - go live and use audio, focusing on mobile and using one or more social media channels is essential for the success of a digital marketing strategy. 1. Why use digital marketing strategy? - Remove marketing obstacles - Manage keyword research for campaign management - Set right goals and engagement methods by choosing the right channels - Review and refine the strategy periodically - Perform trend analysis - List business objectives - List Key Performance Indicators and brand metrics - Keep the goals easily achievable - Measure the right things accurately such as - sales, leads, subscriber growth, SEO Rankings, time on site, social sharing and website visits. 2. What are the marketi

Is it a Fake News that Sonbhadra Contain Gold Reserves?

On February 22, 2020,  gold reserves worth 3,000 Tonnes were reportedly found in Sonbhadra district, Uttar Pradesh. The gold reserves were valued to be 12 Lakh crore. It was also stated that these reserves are almost five times India's present gold reserves. Is this a fake news? In another report, the Geological Survey of India (GSI) has rejected the news of 3,000 tonnes of gold  in UP's Sonbhadra district and said the reserves were only 160 kg.  GSI mining officer further said that on the Son Pahadi and Hardi areas of the district there are gold deposits worth 2,943.26 tonnes while Hardi block had 646.16 kilogram. GSI Director General (DG) M Sridhar said "The mineralized zone having an average grade of 3.03 grams per tonne of gold is tentative in nature and the total gold which can be extracted from the total resource of 52,806.25 tonnes of ore is approximately 160 kg and not 3,350 tonnes as mentioned in the media." Conclusion We can now under

Portfolio Management: Before and After Crisis - How is it going to be?

So, first let's understand what exactly is portfolio management. " The art selecting the right investment policy for the individuals in terms of minimum  risk and maximum return is called as portfolio management. " As an investor you are able to manage your investments in bonds, stocks, commodities, mutual funds etc. These investments bring you certain designtaed profits in a certain span of time. Portfolio management works effective with the guidance of a portfolio manager. How to Manage Before Risk? What is the rate of risk involved in portfolio management? Who can help you prevent it? An experienced portfolio manager can be a reliable source of help. They can help in -  minimizing risk - Increase in earning profits - Understanding the financial needs - Suggest unique investment policy - Provide customized investment solutions - Safeguard and protect the liquidity How to Manage After Risk? Handling risk and process of going through t

Why Farmers Depend on Traders? (Ideas for marketing)

According to OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, agriculture and farming has witnessed major changes and has worked for development in trading and marketing both at domestic and global  level. Global agricultural production continued to rise rapidly particularly in developing regions in Asia and South America. However, marketing and selling of crop is still unorganized and not regularized. It is still a problem for small farmers to sell their crops. So, they depend on traders. Due to lack of pricing variations, small farmers tend to sell their crop for either small margin of profit or even at a lesser price. But there are actually better ideas to help and assist farmers to earn a better price and profitability. 1. Sell their crops like rice, corn, maize, vegetables to local vendors and restaurants. 2. It can also include caterers and even directly to customers. 3. They can open a mini retail store and earn daily. 4. Sell directly to fa

The Significance of Forms of Marketing in Present Day

Marketing is the most essential component for every business. If you were watching television commercials and newspaper clippings few years ago and now, marketing has come a long way and it still continues to grow exponentially. The technology era in 21st century has already explored many new ways and technology systems for marketing. Especially the Internet is now very sophisticated and built with robust strategies that enable startups and every small business owner find its presence online through marketing. Here's the list of most popularly proven marketing methods. 1. Paid advertising Paid advertising has proved to be affordable,  cost effective and easily reachable. Paids ads on Google,  Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram are incredibly powerful and can rapidly help a business generate leads. 2. Internet Marketing Content flow is valuably viewed and some of the relevant terms include - content marketing,  content strategy and marketing strategies.

What are the Effects of Marketing Strategy? (Socio-cultural, Technological and Legal environment)

Marketing strategy is a vast subject and it takes a lot of time to create a content marketing strategy. As every business works on various marketing strategies,  the planning,  execution and implementation are significantly important to achieve success. A strategy does not just include big ideas, but also a lot of sources to gather such information  about market data, competitive intelligence,  marketing plan over short-term and long-term and executive plan. Amidst of strategic approach, it is likely that socio-cultural leave an impact. Let's see how these impact. Impact of socio-cultural  Audience have various interests,  life style, religion, beliefs and income streams. With many influencing factors happening, surely it leaves an impact on audience from the view point of socio-cultural and it in turn may leave a positive or negative impact on a marketing strategy. However, while planning a marketing strategy, it is important to keep these aspects in view and pr